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East Glisan Street Update: NE 102nd to 162nd Avenues

Open While Under Construction
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) updated the street design of NE Glisan Street from NE 102nd to 162nd avenues. We modified how space is allocated on NE Glisan to create new safe places to cross the street, new biking facilities, and other elements.
View of Northeast Glisan Street at 128th Avenue
Substantially complete
On this Page

What’s happening now?

The activation of the pedestrian hybrid beacon crossing of NE Glisan at NE 113th Ave is the final element of this project under construction. It should be activated in spring 2025. 

Construction news and project updates

Project Background and Goals

East Portlanders are at greater risk of injury or death in a traffic crash and disproportionately represented in the city’s crash statistics. A person walking in east Portland is 2.3 times more likely to be hit by a motor vehicle than a person walking in inner Portland.

The area’s wide streets have historically prioritized motor vehicle speed above everything else, including safety.

NE Glisan Street crash statistics

  • On average, one person dies every other year in traffic crashes on NE Glisan Street between I-205 and NE 162nd Avenue.
  • Between 2006-2015, 46 people suffered serious injuries while travelling on this section of NE Glisan Street between I-205 and NE 162nd Avenue.
  • Of the 46 serious injuries, 41 were people in cars, two were people biking, and three were people walking. Of the five fatalities in the past decade, three people were in cars and two were people walking.

In order to address the parts of NE Glisan with the highest need, PBOT is installing a three-lane street configuration between 105th-119th, 125th-145th, and 150th-160th.

PBOT is not changing the existing number of lanes within three blocks of the 102nd and 122nd intersections, thereby keeping a left-turn lane and two through-lanes on the intersection approaches.

As part of the reconfiguration, bike lanes will be installed from NE 102nd Avenue to NE 162nd Avenue.

Project Goals

  • Reduce top-end speeding (speeding more than nine mph over the speed limit)
  • Reduce crash severity in support of Portland’s Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries
  • Increase ease and safety of neighbors crossing the street and getting to their bus stop
  • Improve comfort and safety for neighbors bicycling
  • Make the separation of walking, biking, and driving clearer for all users

Project Components

The project is divided into three phases:

Phase I (2019: complete)

  • Street reconfiguration between NE 122nd to 162nd avenues (protected bike lanes, two vehicle though lanes, two-way left turn lane, on-street parking)
  • Marked crosswalk with rapid flashing beacon at NE 128th Avenue in front of Menlo Park Elementary School

Phase 2 (2022: complete)

  • Street reconfiguration between NE 102nd to 122nd avenues (protected bike lanes, two vehicle lanes eastbound, one vehicle lane westbound, two-way left turn lane)
  • Pedestrian hybrid beacons at NE 108th and 155th avenues for safer crossings

Phase 3 (under construction 2023-2024)

  • Pedestrian hybrid beacon at NE 113th Avenue for a safe route to Ventura Park Elementary School
  • Street lighting infill on both sides of the street, NE 82nd Avenue to NE 162nd Avenue

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Planning Documents

Project Questions and Answers 

Why is the City updating the street design on outer Glisan?

In short, because too many people are dying on NE Glisan Street. As a Vision Zero city, Portland has committed to eliminating all traffic deaths and serious injuries. Streets like Glisan have outdated designs that prioritize motor vehicle speed over safety and the result is that Glisan is the fourth most dangerous street for people in motor vehicles.

What is the crash rate on NE Glisan between I-205 & City limits?

On average, one person dies travelling on NE Glisan every other year. Between 2006-2015, 2 people were killed while walking and 3 people were killed while driving on Outer Glisan.

It is the fourth most dangerous street for people driving, with 41 out of 46 total serious injuries on the corridor occurring to people in motor vehicles. Two of the people who suffered serious injuries were bicycling and three were walking.

View our Vision Zero crash map to see a map of serious injuries and fatalities on Portland streets.

Will motor vehicle travel times be affected? If so, how?

Yes, it is possible that motor vehicle travel times will be affected. We expect the impact to be limited only to peak travel times and generally not more than 90 seconds compared to 2018 travel times. We are also exploring opportunities to optimize traffic signals along NE Glisan.

Will travel times for people walking and bicycling be affected? If so, how?

We expect traveling by foot and bicycle will become more comfortable. Neighbors can also expect to be able to cross the street faster than they otherwise would because there will be fewer lanes to cross and more marked crossing opportunities.

Will parking be affected? If so, how?

Between 122nd and 162nd Avenues, on-street parking has been moved to a position between the vehicle lane and bike lane, resulting in "parking-protected bike lanes." Parking is set back from intersections and driveways to improve sight lines. Between 102nd and 122nd Avenues, most on-street parking will be removed and replaced with bike lanes, except for a few pocket spaces between 108th and 117th Avenues. Utilization of on-street parking on NE Glisan Street is generally low.

Will the speed limit on NE Glisan Street be changed?

PBOT submitted speed limit reduction requests to the Oregon Department of Transportation and these were approved and implemented in 2020. The posted speed limit is now a consistent 30 mph from 102nd to 162nd Avenues. Previously, the speed limit was 35 mph between 102nd and 122nd Avenues, and 40 mph between 122nd and 162nd Avenues. 

Where is the funding for this project coming from?

Like most projects initiated by PBOT, funding comes from a variety of sources. Funding for this project comes from a grant from the Federal Highway Administration. PBOT applied for this grant partly because East Portland residents prioritized and articulated their goals through East Portland Action Plan (EPAP).

Additional funding comes from general transportation revenue, transportation system development charges, the "Fixing Our Streets" city gas tax, and the city cannabis tax.

I heard PBOT was doing a project on Outer Halsey, is this project coordinated with that effort?

Yes, these projects are coordinated. The Outer Halsey Safety Project is installing sidewalks and enhanced pedestrian crossings in strategic locations. For questions related to the Outer Halsey Streetscape Project, please contact Lisa Patterson at lisa.patterson@portlandoregon.g….

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