What's happening now?
May 2023 Update
PBOT installed all 18 Advanced Transportation Controllers (ATCs) along 82nd Avenue in February 2023, replacing old and outdated equipment. Along with the controller replacements, PBOT deployed signal timing changes to provide pedestrian head start at several intersections and disabled flashing yellow left turn arrow operations to improve pedestrian safety.
PBOT, in conjunction with Oregon State University (OSU), is currently exploring ways to utilize existing detection along the corridor to collect speed data and effectively implement safe speeds signal timing strategies.
This initial study is scheduled to be completed spring of 2024.
January 2023 Update
The project team began field work in January 2023 with the installation of new traffic signal controllers (also known as Advanced Transportation Controllers) as well as two speed reader boards near McDaniel High School.
Project overview
As part of this project, PBOT will make critical safety, operations, and accessibility improvements along 82nd Avenue from Lombard Street to the Springwater Corridor Path. Improvements include signal technology upgrades, signal timing improvements, and pedestrian and bicycle improvements at signalized intersections.
New Advanced Transportation Controllers (ATCs) have been installed at 18 intersections and are currently being programmed by PBOT staff as part of this project.
By installing Advanced Transportation Controllers, signal timing adjustments, and high-speed fiber optic communications interconnect, PBOT will make efforts to reduce opportunities for drivers to speed through multiple signals. Additionally, PBOT will remotely monitor performance in real-time and shorten overall wait time for all road users at traffic signals.
This newer equipment will enable PBOT to implement pedestrian head start at several locations throughout the corridor. Pedestrian head start is a signal timing strategy that improves the safety and visibility of pedestrians by giving pedestrians a walk signal several seconds before vehicles are given a green light.
As part of 82nd Avenue Critical Fixes, PBOT will improve safety for those moving along and across the corridor. Over the next several years, PBOT and ODOT will add a total of 21 new or upgraded crossings of 82nd Avenue to improve safety and fill many of the existing crossing gaps. As new crossings are installed, PBOT will update its traffic signal system to prioritize safety for all road users.
Lastly, PBOT is upgrading old technology in order to remotely collect traffic signal performance data, monitor intersection conditions in real time, assess operations, and make signal timing adjustments for all roadway users.
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Project timeline
Equipment installation began January 2023, and project activities will continue for one year.
Project funding
$4M from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
Public involvement
PBOT faces a tight timeline to deliver critical fixes on 82nd Avenue.
To meet construction deadlines, PBOT will rely on insights from the extensive community engagement the bureau and other agencies conducted over the past 10 years, including:
- Bureau of Planning & Sustainability 82nd Avenue Corridor Study (1980)
- PBOT 82nd Avenue Roses High Crash Corridor Safety Plan (2008)
- Jade District Visioning Plan (2014)
- Portland City Council Town Hall Visioning Forum on 82nd Ave
- ODOT Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan (2018)
- Bureau of Planning & Sustainability 82nd Avenue Study: Understanding Barriers to Development (2018)
- PBOT 82nd Avenue Plan (2019)
- Connected Centers Plan (2019)
- Metro’s Get Moving Regional Funding Measure (2020)
- Grassroots efforts of groups including the 82nd Avenue Improvement Coalition
Through the ODOT-led planning process (2018), PBOT identified priority enhanced crossing locations on 82nd Avenue. These were vetted with the community through the planning process and included in the ODOT 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan.
The City conducted interviews with property owners, business owners, and community members, as well as market research to better understand barriers to redevelopment.
Learn more about opportunities for public engagement
About Building a Better 82nd
Ownership of 82nd Avenue is being transferred from the state to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). A critical north-south connection and one of Portland’s high-crash corridors, 82nd Avenue is in urgent need of significant investments to improve safety and address maintenance issues.
Critical Fixes Now
PBOT is investing $80 million in 82nd Avenue to deliver critical fixes now. The needed basic safety and maintenance repairs to the corridor include paving, crossings, lighting, safety improvements at intersections, and sidewalk improvements.
Future Investments Next
After making the most critical repairs, PBOT will invest $105 million in future investments for a better 82nd Avenue. Over the next two years, PBOT will conduct broad and inclusive community engagement and work directly with community-based organizations and agency partners to determine what the bureau should focus on for improving 82nd Avenue long-term.