Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

82nd Avenue: Major Maintenance

Under Construction
As part of this project, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will make urgent safety and maintenance improvements to 2.5 miles of NE 82nd Avenue from Fremont Street to Schuyler Street and SE 82nd Avenue from Mill Street to Foster Road.
An artist's rendering on 82nd Avenue looking south toward SE Foster Road shows pedestrians walking and pushing strollers on a wide sidewalk, with a new tree-lined median island in the center lane.
Construction 2024-2026
On this Page

What's happening now?

Visit our recent e-newsletters for the latest construction updates. 

Construction Updates

Overview: January 6 - 10

PBOT has several active work zones along NE/SE 82nd Avenue. Please travel safely around work zones and pay attention to all flaggers and all traffic control devices.   

  • NE 82nd at Beech – median island construction will require lane closures
  • NE 82nd at Milton – curb ramp work
  • NE Fremontbetween 81st and 82nd avenues – underground work will require a lane closure during daytime hours on 1/9, 1/10 and 1/13. Westbound traffic will be detoured to NE Sandy Boulevard. 
  • NE 82nd at Klickitat – median island construction will require lane closures 
  • NE 82nd at Schuyler – median island construction will require lane closures 
  • SE 82nd at Ash – median island construction, tree planting will require lane closures 
  • SE 82nd between SE Mill and Division – underground work will require lane closures on 82nd Avenue. One lane in each direction will remain open. Driveways will remain open.  
  • SE 82nd at Clinton – median island construction, tree planting will require lane closures

In addition to the above work, PGE is expected to energize the signalized bike and pedestrian crossing at SE 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street in early 2025.

January 13 - 17

  • SE Harrison Street at 82nd - underground work will require a road closure of SE Harrison between 82nd and 84th avenues. Traffic will be detoured to SE Mill Street.
Map of suggested Harrison street detour using SE Mill, 87th, Stephens, 84th, and Harrison to access Businesses on Harrison

Visit our recent e-newsletters for the latest construction updates. 

View the 82nd Avenue Major Maintenance Project Draft Construction Schedule - Updated October 15, 2024

What to expect during construction 

In the coming months, the public can expect travel lane closures on 82nd Avenue and temporary closures of side streets near 82nd Avenue for underground utility work.

Typical work hours will be 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Occasional evening and weekend work will be required for some project elements such as paving.

At least one travel lane in each direction and adjacent businesses on 82nd Avenue will remain open during construction, but the traveling public is advised to expect delays. The public can expect dust, noise, vibrations, and heavy equipment near the work zone. 

Thank you for your cooperation and patience while we Build a Better 82nd!

Keep up with construction

PBOT will provide biweekly updates throughout construction.

Project overview

Overview project map identifies the project improvement areas in a light orange color. This project includes improvements on NE 82nd Avenue from Fremont Street to Schuyler Street and SE 82nd Avenue from Mill Street to Foster Road.
Overview project map identifies the project improvement areas in a light orange color. This project includes improvements on NE 82nd Avenue from Fremont Street to Schuyler Street and SE 82nd Avenue from Mill Street to Foster Road.

As part of the Critical Fixes: Major Maintenance Project, PBOT will improve 2.5-miles of NE/SE 82nd Avenue (two segments). This project is currently under construction and construction will continue through 2026. 

The project areas were selected based on: 

  • Safety needs 
  • Pavement maintenance needs 
  • Serving equity 
  • Serving Centers (e.g., Jade, Lents) and other major destinations (e.g., McDaniel High School) 

In addition, PBOT selected these areas because the designed improvements can be constructed largely within the existing public right-of-way. 

Critical Fixes: Major Maintenance Project improvements will:  

  • Provide safe and comfortable places for people to cross 82nd Avenue by installing pedestrian signals, bike signals at neighborhood greenways, and median islands 
  • Reduce the risk of serious injuries and fatalities for all people traveling by installing median islands in areas with a high crash history 
  • Mitigate the impact of extreme heat events by planting trees where possible 
  • Improve accessibility by installing ADA curb ramps for people using mobility devices, wheelchairs, and strollers 
  • Address maintenance needs through repaving, signal reconstruction, and updated street markings 

Pedestrians cross a four-lane street with landscaped, tree-lined median islands in the center lane. Drivers wait at a red light while pedestrians cross.
As part of the Major Maintenance Project, PBOT will install two signalized pedestrian crossings with median islands along 82nd Avenue, similar to this example rendering, which is based on a 60% design concept. 82nd Avenue at SE Lafayette and 82nd Avenue at SE Raymond will look similar to the above example. Within the intersections, medians will feature a red stamped brick pattern. Trees are set back from the intersection to maintain visibility and allow for emergency vehicle movements.

Reducing fatal and serious injury crashes  

Pedestrian crossings and median islands 

In the most recent 10-year period of available crash data (2012-2021), there have been 14 traffic deaths and 122 people seriously injured in crashes on 82nd Avenue south of Lombard Street within the city of Portland. Preliminary estimates for 2022 – 2023 include 4 additional traffic deaths occurring on 82nd Avenue.

In that 10-year period, more than 90% of traffic deaths were pedestrians or bicyclists, or people in cars turning left at locations without signals. Two-thirds of all serious injuries were pedestrians or bicyclists, or people in cars turning left or crossing at locations without signals.

That’s why PBOT will build safe pedestrian crossings and median islands, two of the most effective measures to reduce or eliminate pedestrian and turning vehicle crashes. 

PBOT will also plant trees in medians where possible, increasing the urban tree canopy along 82nd Avenue. In addition to contributing to a sense of community and livability, increasing the urban tree canopy is one critical way we can mitigate temperatures during extreme heat events. 

Installing safe pedestrian crossings and median islands will result in adjustments to how people delivering goods and visiting businesses access driveways and local streets. We recognize this may create inconvenience for some businesses, but this inconvenience means improved safety for everyone. 

Sign up for Building a Better 82nd Email Updates

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Planning documents

Draft Final Concept Design (released May 2024)

60% Draft Concept Design (released January 2024)

30% Draft Concept Design (released March 2023)

Project timeline

Construction started in August 2024 and will continue through fall 2026. 

View the more detailed schedule: 

Project funding

$55M from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

Public involvement 

Upcoming public involvement

 See all of the upcoming Building a Better 82nd events

Past public involvement

August 2024, Meet the 82nd Avenue Major Maintenance Project Construction Team

  • Virtual Meeting - Wednesday, August 14, 2024
    Watch the recording:
  • Tuesday, August 20 at Mekong Bistro, 8200 NE Siskiyou St, Portland, OR 97220
  • Wednesday, August 28, at CORE, 3612 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 97266

Read our 2024 Public Engagement Report:

 See all of our past events, meeting and open house materials


Read our 2023 Public Involvement Summary: 

Prior to 2023 

PBOT and other agencies have conducted extensive community engagement over the past 10 years, including:  

Through the ODOT-led planning process (2018), PBOT identified priority enhanced crossing locations on 82nd Avenue. These were vetted with the community through the planning process and included in the ODOT 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan. The crossing location recommendations included Ash and Beech intersections.

The City conducted interviews with property owners, business owners, and community members, as well as market research to better understand barriers to redevelopment.

 Learn more about opportunities for public engagement

About Building a Better 82nd  

Ownership of 82nd Avenue is being transferred from the state to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). A critical north-south connection and one of Portland’s high-crash corridors, 82nd Avenue is in urgent need of significant investments to improve safety and address maintenance issues. 

Critical Fixes Now 

PBOT is investing in 82nd Avenue to deliver critical fixes. These urgent safety and maintenance repairs to the corridor include repaving and ADA corner ramps, pedestrian crossings, street lighting, safety improvements, tree planting, and sidewalk improvements. Critical Fixes projects will be in construction between 2023 and 2026.    

Future Investments Next 

While completing the most critical repairs, PBOT will identify and prioritize future investments for a better 82nd Avenue. Over the next two years, PBOT will conduct broad and inclusive community engagement and work directly with community-based organizations and agency partners to determine what the bureau should focus on for improving 82nd Avenue long-term. 


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