What's happening now?
SW Jefferson Bus and Bike Improvements are now complete!
TriMet Lines 6 and 45 are now using the new bus boarding platform at SW Jefferson Street and 17th Avenue.
The BIKETOWN station has been reinstalled near its previous location. The new station location is on the sidewalk at SW Jefferson and 18th (northeast corner, both sides of the corner).
Thank you for your patience during construction!
Project Background
Multiple bus lines use Jefferson to connect from the Hawthorne Bridge to Goose Hollow. This street is also a critical west connection through downtown for people driving.
PBOT improved transit speed and reliability by adding a bus-and-turn lane on Jefferson. In addition, this project added a concrete transit island at 17th avenue and add protection to the bike lane.
As part of the project, TriMet Lines 6 and 45 moved from serving SW Jefferson & 16th Stop ID 3052 to a new transit island stop at SW Jefferson & 17th Avenue. Lines 55, 58 and 68 continue to serve SW Jefferson & 16th Stop ID 3052.
By getting buses out of the vehicle lane, queuing for drivers heading to Highway 26 should be reduced.
Project Benefits
Riding the bus
Business Access and Transit (BAT) lanes on Jefferson improves travel times for five bus lines to access and get through downtown, relieving a major pinch point in the transit system.
A new median island at 17th creates efficiencies for buses, allowing them to move into the left lane as they approach SW 18th Avenue and travel around Collins Circle.
Moving the bike lane to the curb on Jefferson and adding protection improves comfort and safety.
ADA Accessibility
One corner on the northeast corner of SW Jefferson and 17th avenue was upgraded to meet ADA guidelines.
Adding a travel lane for buses and positioning buses in the left lane provides more space for vehicles, reducing travel times on SW Jefferson Street.
Project Impacts
This project includes some parking and loading zone changes.
- Parking will be removed from the north side of Jefferson between 16th and 18th avenues
- Parking will be removed from the south side of SW Jefferson between16th and 17th avenues
- Approximately four angled parking spaces on the south side of SW Jefferson between 17th and 18th avenues will be removed
What's next?
PBOT will improve Jefferson from 16th Avenue to Naito Parkway and SW Columbia from 13th Avenue to Naito Parkway in future project phases.
Public Involvement
Construction Updates
6/12/2023 Construction Update
SW Jefferson Bus and Bike Improvements are nearly complete! This week PBOT's signal team "flipped the switch" on new signal improvements at SW Jefferson and 18th Avenue. Drivers in the right turn only lane now have a dedicated signal phase, separating right turning vehicles from bikes and pedestrians crossing 18th Avenue. The signal upgrades improve safety for all travelers.
Contractors will return in the coming weeks to put the finishing touches on the project, including:
- Contractors will finish installing permanent striping and signage, including white plastic wands to protect the new bike lane.
- BIKETOWN will re-install the BIKETOWN station on the north side at SW Jefferson and 18th. The station was previously located in the street, and will be installed on the sidewalk.
- Contractors will clean up and demobilize from the worksite.
- TriMet Lines 6 and 45 will begin serving the new transit island stop at SW Jefferson & 17th Avenue.
Completed activities:
- PBOT completed signal modifications at SW Jefferson Street and 18th Avenue
- Concrete transit island on SW Jefferson, just east of the 17th Avenue intersection
- ADA corner ramp at the NE corner of SW Jefferson and 17th Avenue
- New parking signage installed reflecting permanent parking restrictions
- Striping removal and installation
6/9/2023 Construction Update
Upcoming activities planned for week of June 12, 2023:
- Contractors will finish installing permanent striping and signage, including a new protected bike lane
- PBOT will finalize signal modifications at SW Jefferson Street and 18th Avenue
- Contractors will clean up and demobilize from the worksite
Completed activities:
- Concrete transit island on SW Jefferson, just east of the 17th Avenue intersection
- ADA corner ramp at the NE corner of SW Jefferson and 17th Avenue
- New parking signage installed reflecting permanent parking restrictions
- Striping removal
- Striping installation
5/31/2023 Construction Update
Upcoming activities planned for week of June 5, 2023:
- Contractors will install permanent striping and signage, including a new protected bike lane
- PBOT will finalize signal modifications at SW Jefferson Street and 18th Avenue
- New permanent parking restrictions will go into effect as part of this project
Area residents and businesses should expect parking restrictions, lane closures and traffic delays during striping installation. Expect dust, noise, vibrations, and heavy equipment on SW Jefferson between 14th and 18th avenues.
As always, please keep construction crews safe by following all traffic control signs and flaggers while travelling through or near work zones.
Completed activities:
- Concrete transit island on SW Jefferson, just east of the 17th Avenue intersection
- ADA corner ramp at the NE corner of SW Jefferson and 17th Avenue
5/18/2023 Construction Update
Completed activities:
- ADA corner ramp at the NE corner of SW Jefferson and 17th Avenue complete.
Activities this week:
- Contractors are constructing the concrete transit island on SW Jefferson, just east of the 17th Avenue intersection.
- PBOT began signal modifications at SW Jefferson Street and 18th Avenue.
5/9/2023 Construction Update
Contractors with the Portland Bureau of Transportation began construction on Monday, May 8. At least one lane of traffic will be maintained and pedestrian access will be maintained during the construction.
Work anticipated this week:
- Improve the ADA corner ramp at the NE corner of SW Jefferson and 17th Avenue.
Work anticipated next week:
- Construct the concrete transit island on SW Jefferson, just east of the 17th Avenue intersection.
4/27/2023 Construction Update
Contractors with the Portland Bureau of Transportation are preparing for construction.
Construction is anticipated to begin May 8, 2023 and last two months.
Past events
February 2023 Goose Hollow Foothills League Board Meeting
May 2022 Goose Hollow Foothills Neighborhood Association League Board meeting
March 2021 Goose Hollow Foothills Neighborhood Association Board meeting
2020 CCIM Open Houses
- Wednesday, March 4
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 26
Planning Documents
Materials from Rose Lane winter 2020/21 online open house
Download PDF file CCIM Outreach and Engagement Summary (226.88 Kb)
Project Funding
$300,000 from General Transportation Revenue (Climate & Equitable Mobility Fee) and matching funds from TriMet