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NE/SE 7th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway & NE Couch Street Rose Lane Project

Under Construction
This Central City in Motion project will add a new neighborhood greenway connection along NE 7th Avenue between SE Washington Street to the Blumenauer Bridge. In 2022, the project also improved speed and reliability for westbound bus riders along NE Couch Street from NE 12th to 6th avenues.
Construction: Spring-Summer 2023
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What's happening now?

7/7/2023 Update

Construction on the 7th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway will begin Tuesday, July 11, and construction is expected to continue through August. 

4/7/2023 Update

Due to limited contractor availability, construction on the 7th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway has been delayed until spring/summer 2023. PBOT is sending residents and property owners an updated notification in advance of construction expected to start this spring. Construction is weather dependent. 

Construction is complete on NE Couch Rose Lane Project. 

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NE/SE 7th Avenue Neighborhood Greenway

Project overview

Improve bicycling and walking with a new neighborhood greenway connection along NE 7th Avenue between SE Washington Street to Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge. 

Project impacts

This project includes traffic operations changes and parking removal.


Construction consists of speed bumps will calm vehicle traffic speeds and reflective wands at select intersections will discourage cut-through traffic. 

Visibility and crossing safety will be improved by removing parking near intersections. 

View more traffic operations and parking change details: 

Walking and biking

The project will create a new north/south bike connection on 7th Avenue between SE Washington and the new Blumenauer bicycle and pedestrian bridge. 

A new westbound bike lane will be installed on the north side of SE Washington.

The project will result in improved safety for people walking and bicycling and a stronger connection between the Central Eastside and Lloyd neighborhoods. 

NE Couch Rose Lane Project

Project Overview 

Through the Rose Lane Project, PBOT is giving buses and streetcars priority on the road, helping more Portlanders get where they need to go more reliably and quickly.  

The NE Couch Rose Lane project:  

  • Is improving transit speed and reliability for transit riders on lines 12, 19, and 20.   
  • Provided a bus-and-turn (BAT) lane on NE Couch Street between NE 12th and 6th avenues.  
  • Improved bicycling by extending the bike lane from 6th to 7th avenues. In addition, people biking will be allowed to use BAT lane between NE 12th and 7th avenues. 
  • Included traffic signal controller upgrades to better coordinate between approximately 30 traffic signals on NE Couch Street, E Burnside Street, NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, and NE Grand Avenue. 

Project benefits 

This project builds upon Portland’s existing efforts to improve transit speed and reliability.  

Bus-and-turn (BAT) lanes on NE Couch Street is improving the speed and reliability of bus service. BAT lanes allow the buses to access and get to the Burnside Bridge, relieving a major pinch point in the transit system. The new bus lane is benefitting the thousands of Portlanders who travel on TriMet lines 12, 19, 20. 

Thanks to this project, it is anticipated that transit riders going west on lines 12, 19, and 20 will save between 30 seconds and 1.5 minutes of travel time during the morning commute. If you ride the bus through here five days a week, you could get up to four hours of your time back each year. 

Project impacts 

This project includes a general travel lane reallocation and parking removal.  

The right general travel lane will be re-allocated between NE 6th and 12th avenues for the bus-and-turn lane. Vehicle traffic will still be able to use the lane to make right turns at driveways and at intersections. 

Parking along the north side of NE Couch between NE 6th and 7th avenues will be removed. 

Riding the bus 

  • A fast and more reliable trip - the new bus-and-turn lane will allow TriMet buses and riders to bypass congestion 

  • The bus-and-turn lane will be created on NE Couch Street by re-purposing an existing travel lane 


  • Parking access on both side of NE Couch will remain. 

  • Right turns from NE Couch onto most side streets and into driveways will continue to be allowed  


  • A new direct, downhill bike connection to the Burnside Bridge from NE 12th Avenue. 

  • A new north/south bike connection on 7th Avenue between SE Washington and the new Blumenauer bicycle and pedestrian bridge. 

Project timeline 

  • Spring 2022 - Finalize design 
  • Summer 2022 – Construction 

Project funding 

$550,000 from TriMet and PBOT General Transportation Fund

Public Involvement 

Upcoming public involvement opportunities 

To request a presentation or meeting, contact PBOT CCIM Program Manager Gabe Graff at

Past public involvement 

  • Construction notice to properties near NE/SE 7th Avenue: 

Planning documents 

(Note: The following documents have maps and information that may not work with a screen reader. While we work toward providing that level of accessibility, please contact PBOT Project Manager Briana Orr at for assistance with providing access to the information in the documents. You can also contact PBOT’s ADA Coordinator at or at 503-823-5703. Thank you for your patience and understanding.) 

Materials from Rose Lane winter 2020/21 online open house 


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