Completed Construction

Central City in Motion Construction Menu
12 projects found
Construction complete
This project will implement recommendations from the Central City in Motion plan,  improving safety by upgrading pedestrian crossings and bike lanes. PBOT will also add a new bus and turn (BAT) lane on SE Hawthorne Boulevard and upgrade the existing bus lane on SE Madison Street.

West Burnside Bus Improvements

Engineering And Design
Construction schedule under development
This Central City in Motion and Rose Lane Project will improve speed and reliability for eastbound transit riders along W Burnside by providing a bus-and-turn (BAT) lane from 8th to 3rd avenues.
Construction: Spring-Summer 2023
This Central City in Motion project will add a new neighborhood greenway connection along NE 7th Avenue between SE Washington Street to the Blumenauer Bridge. In 2022, the project also improved speed and reliability for westbound bus riders along NE Couch Street from NE 12th to 6th avenues.

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