Portland is a Sanctuary City

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Portland Parking Plans and Studies

A preview of the cover and a few pages of the Initial Traffic Data Monitoring Report
Parking plans and reports for various areas in Portland.


Inspired by PBOT’s successful Healthy Businesses five-minute pickup/drop-off program to help support businesses amid the Covid-19 pandemic, PBOT piloted these 5-minute zones in five locations throughout the city with an eye to roll them out citywide beginning in August 2021.

This report summarizes findings from the Central City Parking Policy Update and the Centers and Corridors Parking Study and Toolkit about parking conditions across the city. It highlights key facts and opportunities to improve parking management.

This document serves as a desk reference for the city staff responsible for managing city parking facilities and addressing parking issues that arise in mixed-use centers and corridors. For the purposes of this document, centers and corridors are defined as areas with mixed use zoning (commercial, employment, and residential), generally well served by transit, that are surrounded by areas zoned exclusively for residential use. Business owners and operators and residents of neighborhoods within or near a mixed-use center or corridor may also find this document useful when working with city staff to understand and address local parking issues and/or public parking management practices.

This document outlines existing and projected future parking conditions within two Neighborhood Centers and three Civic Corridors located throughout the City of Portland. 

This document was created in conjunction with the Centers and Corridors parking analysis & toolkit and focuses on new development and livability from the perspective of residents of mixed-use buildings within corridors and centers as well as visitors to those areas.

With Resolution 37204 (April 2016), City Council directed PBOT to develop a Performance-Based Parking Management Program, based on adopted parking policies, accepted performance targets, and defined program parameters. The purpose of this Parking Management Manual (PMM) is to translate policy into operational guidelines.

Downtown Portland

Northwest Portland

Northwest Portland is managed by a parking plan specific to that area. For more information on parking in Northwest Portland please visit the main web page. You can also find the annual parking reports here. 

Central Eastside

The Central Eastside is managed by a parking plan specific to that area. For more information on parking in the Central Eastside please visit the main web pageYou can also find the annual parking reports here

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