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NW Parking District Projects and Programs

The NW Parking District Liaison works with the NW Parking District Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) to determine how to spend revenue from parking on neighborhood projects and programs, including the Transportation Wallet, bike parking fund, safety projects, and more.
On this page

NW 21st and 23rd Intersection Enhancement Project

This project, led by Portland Bureau Of Transportation (PBOT) in coordination with Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), will identify potential improvements at ten intersections along NW
21st Avenue and NW 23rd Avenue and help prioritize investment opportunities, in coordination with the BES sewer line replacement project.

This project kicked off in February 2023 and will be completed in July 2023 with final design concepts and cost estimates for the ten intersection enhancements. Construction was planned for 2025-2026. However, BES announced that the Lower Northwest Sewer Capacity Project will be paused until Fall 2028. This change impacts the intersection work happening in coordination with PBOT. See the BES project website for more information about project timeline changes. 

Go to the project webpage to sign up for updates and learn more!

NW Restricted Event Parking District

Inside the stadium, Portland Timbers and Thorns matches are loud, crowded events. Outside the stadium, the Restricted Event Parking District (see map) is designed to reduce the crowds and congestion in Northwest neighborhoods for 3 hours prior to kick-off and 3 hours after kick-off.

During Timbers and Thorns games the entire Event Restricted District changes from 4-hour parking to 2-hour parking and the hourly rate is increased to a higher event rate. In 2024, the event rate is $6 an hour. 

On an annual basis, the occupancy rates of the Restricted Event Parking District will be evaluated to ensure that the parking management strategies deployed during Timbers and Thorns games are effective. The goal of parking management during Timbers and Thorns games is to encourage fans not to drive to games and to free up parking for residents, employees, and other visitors to NW.

NW Off-Street Parking Action Plan

The NW Parking District is a unique residential business district. The parking environment fluctuates drastically over the course of a day, with sustained high occupancies stretching into the late evening most days. This creates ongoing conflicts for parking access among a diverse mix of users. With this study, strategically targeted data collection in the off-street supply will provide for a more comprehensive look at an integrated parking supply. It will identify parking surpluses and deficits in the existing supply, supporting district efforts to capture shared use parking opportunities. It will also inform new land use and parking development in the district that considers existing demand/supply capacity and coordination with TDM planning and programs. All outcomes will enable the NW Parking SAC to vet and make ongoing decisions through committee consensus.

A team of consultants from Rick Williams Consulting, RBT Consultants, Parachute Strategies, and EcoNW was awarded the Off-Street Demand and Feasibility Study.

The project kicked off in September 2021 and was completed in March 2023 with the Off-Street Parking Action Plan.

The project's steering committee is the Supply Subcommittee of the NW Parking District Stakeholder Advisory Committee. The meetings are open to the public and can be found here.  

 Project Deliverables 
Supply Subcommittee Meeting Materials

Meeting #1: September 2, 2021

Meeting #2: October 7, 2021

Meeting #3: December 2, 2021

Meeting #4: April 7, 2022

Meeting #5: May 5, 2022

Meeting #6: June 2, 2022

Meeting #7:  July 7, 2022

Meeting #8: September 15, 2022

NW Parking District TDM Evaluation

One of the goals of the NW Parking District Stakeholder Advisory Committee is to reduce the reliance of the single occupancy automobile. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs like the Transportation Wallet and Bike Parking Fund help achieve this goal by making it more attractive to use transportation options other than driving. This project will help achieve short term strategies from the Off-Street Parking Action Plan to enhance TDM programs and initiatives and to establish performance goals. A team of consultants from WSP and Rick Williams Consulting was awarded the NW Parking District TDM Evaluation.

Key elements of this project includes:

  • Review of TDM programs currently offered in the district and other cities.
  • Recommendation for new programs to implement and enhancement of current programs.
  • Development of evaluation metrics to measure program success.

Curb Extension Enhancement

As part of Northwest in Motion, PBOT is installing temporary curb extensions at 15 intersections in NW. Temporary curb extensions are designed with white paint and flexible posts delineating the curb extension. The NW Parking District Stakeholder Advisory Committee wanted to enhance them through paint. SymbiOp has been hired to design murals within the curb extensions, which began in October 2021 and will be completed in summer 2023. In addition to installation, SympiOp will regularly maintain the curb extensions.

If you see a curb extension in need of cleaning or repainting, please email Eventually these curb extensions will be permanent as concrete curb extensions are constructed, many as part of the NW Intersection Enhancement Project.

Painting a curb extension in NW

Trash Can Replacement

Trash can proposed in NW

The NW Parking District funded the replacement of all 42 trash cans in NW. The trash cans have been replaced with City standard metal cans, with twice the capacity. Art is featured on the trash cans by two Portland artists, Mado Hues and Davey Barnwell.

Let the City know if you see a broken, damaged or overflowing public trash can. Please contact the Public Trash Can Program Manager at or 971-275-3224 with the location (example: NW 23rd and Kearney). 

Pedestrian Lighting Project

Map that shows locations in the Northwest Parking District where pedestrian lighting has been enhanced in five locations with blue circles and will be enhanced in 2024 at 11 locations indicated by a green plus sign.

The Northwest Parking District has prioritized the improvement of pedestrian lighting within Northwest. This study helped the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) identify inadequate lighting and enhance existing lighting to ensure comfort and confidence for people walking. This project's first phase began with evaluating existing street lighting and prioritizing the installation and improvement of new lighting. New lighting was installed at five locations in winter 2022/23. New lighting is planned to be installed at 11 additional locations in 2024, as supplies allow. Read about the study to learn how locations were identified:

Transportation Wallet

Transportation Wallet offer in the NW Parking District

Permit surcharge fees collected in the Northwest Parking District fund the Transportation Wallet. The Transportation Wallet is a collection of passes and credits to use on TriMet, Portland Streetcar, bike-share, e-scooters, and car-share offered at 87% off the retail cost of the entire package.

The 2024 Transportation Wallet includes:

  • $200 TriMet Hop card 
  • Annual Portland Streetcar pass 
  • $30 e-scooter credits
  • Annual BIKETOWN membership & $99 credit 

One Transportation Wallet per person per calendar year. 

There are many ways to get a Transportation Wallet as a resident or employee in the Northwest Parking District (Zone M):

Learn more Transportation Wallets offered in parking districts 

Bike Parking Fund 

NW Portland building owners! Funds developed through the Zone M Parking Surcharge are being put to work in a new program, The NW Bike Parking Fund, which will allow you to establish or expand long term bike parking facilities in your residential, commercial and mixed-use properties. Here’s how it works: you provide the space and pay for installation, and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will provide the bike parking equipment. Together, we will encourage more people to bike for transportation! Plus, as soon as any bike-parking equipment is purchased for your building, it becomes yours!

Eligibility & Requirements

Any residential, mixed use, or commercial building (or business in a building) in Zone M is eligible. Please see this map to see if your building is in Zone M.

The building must have space for access controlled, long-term storage; such as a garage or ground floor or accessible basement storage room, or outside fenced in area able to be covered.


1. Fill out the online interest form below.

Interest Form 

2. After you submit your interest form, PBOT will schedule an on-site meeting with you and the bike equipment vendor to discuss your needs and review options.

3. PBOT will provide a layout drawing and purchase the equipment on your behalf.

4. You install the equipment. 

Shared Parking

City Council recently voted on an amendment to City Code Section 33.562.290 which allows accessory parking facilities to operate commercially as shared parking facilities. Shared parking is one of the many tools being implemented as part of the NW Portland Parking Management Plan. 

Off-street accessory parking facilities wishing to operate commercially are required to apply for a permit through PBOT, and must meet the following requirements:

  1. Parking facilities must have at least five (5) parking stalls available for commercial use, not including spaces needed for the primary accessory use of the parking facility
  2. Short-term parking made available is for all users
  3. Long-term parking made available may only be for residents or employees of the NW District 

The online application form can be found HERE. In order to refrain from future code violations please do not operate shared parking activity until the application has been processed and approved. For any questions regarding the online application or the new shared parking rules, please contact Rae-Leigh Stark at

Learn more about shared parking in Northwest


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