PBOT is actively managing the parking and loading zones in order to move more people and goods in a growing city. Consistent with how we strive to make all decisions, PBOT applies City of Portland’s core values of anti-racism, equity, transparency, communication, collaboration, and fiscal responsibility in determining how to allocate use of the curb and program on-street parking zones. At any given location, PBOT must ultimately determine which users to allocate the space right next to the sidewalk to – pedestrians and people with disabilities, people who bike, ride transit, ride scooters, take private for hire, deliver goods, or drive private vehicles.
Some parking zones, like Hotel Zones, reserve parking for a specific purpose: unloading and loading hotel guests. Others, like PBOT’s 5-minute Fast Stop zones, allow this space to be used for a wider variety of needs: whether someone is stopping to grab a coffee, make a food delivery or picking up a passenger in their private-for-hire vehicle.
In 2019, PBOT convened a group of stakeholders in a Parking Task Force. The Task Force, inclusive of business and lodging stakeholders, was convened to review current operations and develop an alternative zone to the Hotel Zone that would more beneficially serve more users of the curb space. In spring 2022, PBOT announced we would implement this policy recommendation and begin converting existing Hotel Zones along SW Broadway to three-minute pickup/drop-off zones.
After this announcement, PBOT heard from some stakeholders that a 60-foot long, 15-minute Hotel Loading Zone would better serve the needs of the still-recovering lodging industry in Downtown.
In light of this feedback, PBOT will implement adjustments to create 60-foot long, 15-minute Hotel Zones in two phases - now and this coming winter.
What is a Hotel Zone?
Hotel Zones can be requested by hotels. Hotel Zone parking signs (pictured right) indicate where hotel guests may park for loading and unloading of passengers for up to 15 minutes at a time. Due to the limitations of enforcement, this zone is open to the general public to park in the zone for up to 15 minutes without moving their vehicle.
What is happening?
As part of the phase one Hotel Zone adjustments, PBOT will alter the size of Hotel Zones along SW Broadway from SW Oak to SW Clay to be consistent with the size of newly issued Hotel Zones. Signs will be updated to our new standard zone length of 60 feet (which provides enough space for approximately three cars). Parking Enforcement will enforce Hotel Zones just as they do other zones throughout the city. Existing Hotel Zones spaces in excess of 60 feet in length will be converted to other curb uses.
Why is this happening now?
This adjustment was originally planned for 2020. Due to the extraordinary circumstances and challenges brought by COVID-19, PBOT delayed implementation. Phase one is being implemented now in concert with the SW Broadway Bike Improvements project to maximize efficiencies and limit construction impacts to hotel guests and the general public.
When will PBOT implement Hotel Zone changes?
Phase one Hotel Zone adjustments will be implemented in concert with the SW Broadway Bike Improvements construction project to maximize efficiencies and limit construction impacts to the public. Construction on the SW Broadway Bike Improvements project is anticipated to take place in August 2022. Phase two of the Hotel Zone adjustments at all remaining Hotel Zones in Portland will occur over the 2022-23 winter season.