The Eliot Parking Task Force

Six members of the CAC sitting at a table sharing their stories. One person in the front holds a microphone. Two people sitting behind.
As part of the study of parking and transportation in the Eliot neighborhood, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) convened a Parking Task Force in October 2022.
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Task Force Meetings

View past and upcoming Task Force meeting materials by clicking here. The meetings are ad hoc.

About the Eliot Parking Task Force

The Eliot Neighborhood Association asked the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) to study parking in Eliot. That study kicks off with a community survey and the convening of a Parking Task Force. Our goal: come up with solutions to manage on-street parking better. PBOT needs local experts to help determine the best way forward, including a possible parking permit program for Eliot.

Who we looked for?

PBOT wants to fully understood parking and transportation issues in Eliot so we can come up with equitable and effective solutions. We selected 12 people to advise us on a plan which could include a new kind of parking permit program, with new tools and techniques to try out. 

PBOT looked for diverse perspectives, interests, and lived experience with parking and transportation in Eliot such as residents, employees, regular visitors to the Eliot neighborhood, property and business owners, as well as those who fit the descriptions below. It is critical to the success of the project that we hear from everyone directly affected:

  • Long-term residents who drive and own vehicles
  • Small business owners or managers
  • Black residents and others displaced from North and Northeast Portland who regularly visit Eliot and Albina neighborhoods
  • Employees who live outside the neighborhood
  • Residents with young children
  • Residents and employees with disabilities or who have mobility challenges
  • Renters and residents of multifamily buildings

What's required of members?

Members will help advise on every aspect of the plan, including the process for outreach, planning, and decision-making; the boundaries of the study area; the boundaries, hours, and rules of a possible permit program; as well as ways to make any changes to parking more equitable and sustainable.

Members will attend regular Task Force meetings, roughly 6-8 meetings between October 2022 and May 2023, about 2-3 hours per month. Meetings will be open to the public and be held virtually or in a hybrid in-person/virtual format. Members may also attend optional open houses, focus groups, or surveys, but will not be required to do so.

How were members selected?

Applications were due Sept 25, 2022. A selection committee made up of volunteers of two existing parking committees, along with a member of PBOT's Transportation Justice committee, reviewed applications. All personal identifying information was removed before applications were reviewed. The selection committee filled 11 seats on the Task Force representing a diverse group of perspectives. Staff from PBOT's Parking Operations team and Equity & Inclusion team approved the final list of members.


Rae-Leigh Stark

Parking District Project Manager

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