Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Apply for a Zone V parking permit (Eliot neighborhood)

Zone V parking permits help make evening parking easier for Eliot residents and their guests during large events around the Rose Quarter. Permits required to park more than two hours, 5-10 p.m., October through May. Online portal managed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
On this Page

Eligible residents, employees, and businesses

Parking will be restricted to two hours between 5-10 p.m. all days October through May on block faces with blue lines. Residents, employees, businesses, and nonprofits in the yellow and blue areas are eligible for parking permits.

Residents in the eligible, shaded areas of the map—as well as businesses, nonprofits, and their employees —may apply for Zone V permits starting Sept 3, 2024. PBOT uses a license plate-based system and does not issue physical permits. Apply, submit documents, pay, and manage your permits through our online permit system.

Residents are eligible for annual resident permits, one annual guest permit, and up to 100 daily guest permits issued in sets of 10.

Employees are eligible for annual employee permits. They are not eligible for guest permits.

Businesses are eligible for one annual guest permit and up to 100 daily guest permits issued in sets of 10. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to purchase additional annual guest permits.

Annual resident and employee permits are intended for vehicles owned by the resident or employee. Annual guest permits are intended for frequent visitors but can also be used by other guests if only one vehicle is using the permit at a time. Daily guest permits can be useful when you have two or more guests who need to park for more than two hours at the same time.

Find more information about Zone V parking permits and Zone V permit area on the Zone V Permit Area webpage.

Technology requirements

If you are unable to upload supporting documents electronically or do not have access to a computer or smart device with internet, please contact our team at 503-823-2777.

To use the online permit system, you will be required to upload electronic versions of your supporting documents. You may upload PDFs or images in JPG, JPEG, or PNG. Maximum file size: 2 MB.

This requires access to a computer or smart device with internet. Although this can be done on a mobile device, it is easiest on a computer with a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

Watch our video tutorial on uploading forms to our online system.


We do not accept cash. Our online permit system accepts:

  • Credit card: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express 
  • Debit card
  • Money order (instructions below) 
  • Check (instructions below)

Money orders or checks must be mailed only after you receive email confirmation your application is approved. After approval, log into the system, indicate you are paying by check. Note that these will take longer to process.

Make money order or check payable to the City of Portland and mail to:

PBOT Parking Permits
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 1331
Portland OR 97204

Remember to include your permit number on your money order/check. 

Refunds will not be issued once a permit has been processed. 

Supporting documents

You must submit documentation to verify eligibility for a Zone V Permit.

Residential permits (annual, guest, or daily):

For annual resident permits, provide proof of residence and vehicle registration as outlined below. All permits are tied to a license plate number. For guest permits, applicants must only provide proof of residence. 

  • Proof of residence:
    Provide a recent bill or bank statement dated within 30 days of the application that includes the applicant’s name and address, or a copy of your lease or rental agreement.
  • Vehicle registration:
    Provide current, state-issued vehicle registration for each passenger vehicle or motorcycle. The last name on the registration must match the last name of the applicant. If the vehicle is registered to someone with a different last name as the applicant, such as a relative or employer, include a notarized letter from the registered owner stating the applicant is the vehicle’s primary driver.

Employee permits:

  • Proof of employment: 
    Provide a pay stub dated within 30 days of the application. We only need to verify your name and that the company address is in the eligible permit area. Black-out any other personal information. Or provide a signed letter on company letterhead from your supervisor. 
  • Vehicle registration:
    Provide current, state-issued vehicle registration for each passenger vehicle or motorcycle. The last name on the registration must match the last name of the applicant. If the vehicle is registered to someone with a different last name as the applicant, such as a relative or employer, include a notarized letter from the registered owner stating the applicant is the vehicle’s primary driver.

Businesses and nonprofits:

  • Proof of occupancy:
    Provide a recent bill or bank statement dated within 30 days of the application that includes the business name and address, or a copy of your lease or rental agreement.
  • Nonprofit organizations only:
    Provide confirmation of your organization’s nonprofit status to apply for additional annual guest permits.

Zone V parking permit application process

  1. Complete the Zone V Parking Permit Supplemental Information Form to confirm you are eligible. Eligible applicants will be redirected automatically to our online system. You can access the supplemental information form and permit application starting on Sept. 3, 2024.

    Use a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser to access the online permit system. Opt in to receive SMS notifications related to your permit. Emails from the system will come from so add it to your contacts or safe senders list. 

    Entering license plate or trip/temporary permit numbers
    Do not include dashes, spaces, or names of other states when entering in license plate information. If you have a specialty plate, you must include the vertical letters displayed on the left side of the plate. For trip/temporary permits, include the letters and numbers. View more information about how to input license plate numbers into the online permit system.

  2. Validate your address to confirm your zone. To do this, select the quadrant (N, NE, SE, etc.) using the pull-down menu then write the street name in the appropriate field.
  3. Select your permit options. Keep in mind, if you are applying for an annual permit and guest permit(s), you need to complete a separate application for each one. 
Desired Permit ProductTypePackage

Annual employee permit


Employee Full Price


Employee Discount Tier 1


Employee Discount Tier 2

Annual resident permit


Residential Full Price


Residential Discount Tier 1


Residential Discount Tier 2

FREE resident annual guest

Residential Annual Guest

Residential Annual Guest - Free

FREE resident daily guest

Residential Daily Guest (30 Free)

Residential Daily Guest - Free

Additional resident daily guest

Residential Daily Guest (70)

Residential Daily Guest

FREE business annual guest

Business Annual Guest

Business Annual Guest

FREE nonprofit annual guestBusiness Annual GuestNonprofit Annual Guest- Free

Additional nonprofit annual guest


Nonprofit Bulk

FREE business/nonprofit daily guest

Business Daily Guest (30 Free)

Business Daily Guest - Free

Additional business/nonprofit daily guest

Business Daily Guest (70)

Business Daily Guest

  1. Upload supporting documentation using the prompts. Maximum file size is 2 MB.Tip: use online tools to reduce file size if necessary.
  2. Wait for approval. We will notify you of approval/denial within five business days and will provide links to pay through our online system. If approved, your permit is tied to your license plate. There are no paper permits. 
Example sign with green text on a white background that states 2 HOUR PARKING THIS BLOCK 5PM-10PM ALL DAYS EXCEPT BY PERMIT
Parking sign with green text on a white background
  1. Pay for your permit. Once your permit is paid, you must still obey all on-street parking rules and restrictions. However, in the Zone V permit area, where parking is restricted to 2 hours and says “EXCEPT BY PERMIT” you may now park longer. Example of the sign at right. 
  2. Update or manage all permits online. Buy additional permits, activate and assign a license plate number to guest permits already purchased, change the license plate number assigned to guest permits, or temporarily change the license plate number assigned to an annual resident or employee permit for up to 28 days. To reassign an annual resident or employee guest permit for more than 28 days, email PBOTParkingpermits@portlandoreg… with a copy of the vehicle registration and your permit number.

Begin Zone V parking permit application

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