Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open all day Friday, until 10 a.m. Saturday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Apply for an annual area parking permit for residents and employers in Zones A-U

Annual area parking permits for residents and employers in Zones A-U. Permits help alleviate commuter parking in residential neighborhoods. Online portal managed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Find your zone, instructions for payment and renewal, FAQ.
PBOT Parking Permits Zone logo
On this Page

DISCLAIMER: This page is ONLY for residents and employers applying for (or renewing) area parking permits in Zones A-U. If you are a business, nonprofit, or the media and need annual permits for ongoing commercial use, deliveries, maintenance, or other activity not served by standard parking or truck loading zones, visit our Apply for an annual miscellaneous parking permit for businesses, nonprofits, and media page.  

Existing/returning users

Zone M - Existing Resident Applicants

Zone M - Existing Business Applicants

All other zones - access your account

New users continue below

Useful documents 

Replacement Permits 

You no longer need to purchase a replacement permit if you have a new vehicle. If you have a resident parking permit and have a new vehicle/license plate that you need to permanently transfer your permit to, this is a process outside the online system. Please email PBOTParkingPermits@portlandoregon.gov with new vehicle registration, new license plate number, and past license plate number.  

What is a Zone Parking Permit?

A Zone Parking Permit is an annual parking permit purchased by residents or businesses within a parking permit zone that allows you to park on street past the posted visitor time limits. 

If you are looking for a short-term parking permit for a moving truck, placing a storage container in a parking space, performing traffic control for utility work, closing a travel lane, or other short-term permits, you are looking for a Temporary Street Use Permit which is issued by the PBOT Permit Center

Parking Permit Zone Boundaries and Zone Details

Need to know if your residence or business is within an existing parking permit zone? Want to learn more about the restrictions for each zone? Explore the existing permit zones through our interactive map.

Remote Media URL

Reference map of parking permit zones. Click the link above for an interactive map where you can search for your address. 

Zones G/N and Zone M

A map of area parking permit zones M in Northwest Portland near 21st and 23rd, and zones N and G in the Central Eastside
Area parking permit Zones M, N, and G

Zones G/N in the Central Eastside Parking District and Zone M in the Northwest Parking District are special parking management areas. In these areas, residential and business permits have a permit surcharge. The money generated from these surcharges goes back to the respective parking districts to support transportation related projects such as the Transportation Wallet. This program offers passes and credits for use on transit, bike-share, e-scooters, and ride-share in one package. Residents and employees are eligible to purchase a Transportation Wallet for $99 or get one for free by trading in a parking permit or if they qualify by income. Learn more about the different Transportation Wallet options.

Permits in zone N may only be purchased for residents and employers that bought permits in 2019 and/or 2020.

New Users - Apply for your parking permit

How to Apply and Manage Your Parking Permits 

Step 1:  Double check your zone and start date before you apply online

Paper permits are no longer valid in parking permit zones with the exception of daily scratch offs which are still honored. You can verify your zone using our online map.         

Step 2: Technology and Payment Requirements

To use the online permit system, you must be able to upload electronic versions of your supporting documents. 2 MB is the maximum size for files. The online permit system supports the upload of:

  • PDFs
  • Images - JPG, PNG

Additional requirements are access to computer or smart device. We recommend users complete the process on a non-mobile device, computers and tablets work best, but the process can be done on a mobile device if other devices are not available. The online permit system is compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge 10. 

If you are not able to upload electronic versions of your supporting documents or do not have a computer or smart device,  please contact 503-823-2777.

The online permit system accepts the following payment types:

  • Credit card: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express
  • Debit card
  • Money Order*
  • Check* 

We do not accept cash.

Refunds will not be issued once a permit has been processed. 

*Money order/check payments must be mailed only after you have received confirmation by email that your application is approved. You then log into the system, indicate that you are paying by check. The permit number must be included on your money order/check. Please note that payment by check will delay permit processing time. 

Make check payable to: The City of Portland

Mail check to: PBOT Parking Permits, 1120 SW Fifth Ave Suite 1331, Portland OR 97204

Step 3:Gather and Fill Out Supporting Documents

  • Proof of Residence All applicants must provide proof of residence in the zone for which they are applying. Documents accepted as proof are Lease or rental agreement, Bank statement, Credit card bill, Utility bill. The proof must be dated within 30 days of the application and include the applicant’s name and address. Printed copies of e-bills are acceptable.
  • Vehicle Registration Applicants must provide current, state-issued vehicle registration for each passenger vehicle or motorcycle they wish to purchase a permit for. The last name on the registration must match the last name of the applicant. If the vehicle is registered to someone other than the applicant, with a different last name, such as a relative or an employer, the applicant must provide a notarized letter from the registered owner stating that the applicant is the primary driver of the vehicle. The parking permit will be issued to the license plate number on the vehicle registration. Vehicle registrations are not required when applying for guest permits.
  • Supplemental Forms Some zones require additional forms and information. If you need translations of the forms please contact us. Residents in zone M will be directed to fill out a supplemental form online (step 5). Residents in zone F, H, and I will fill out the PDF forms below. The forms below will be available during your application, but we recommend you fill them out ahead of time, save them to your computer, and upload them into the online system. Watch this video tutorial that explains how to upload a form in the online system.
  • Business permits should be managed under one user account per company.
  • Proof of Occupancy All applicants must provide proof of business occupancy in the zone for which they are applying. Documents accepted as proof are Lease or rental agreement, Bank statement, Credit card bill, Utility bill. The proof must be dated within 30 days of the application and include the business name and address. Printed Copies of e-bills are acceptable.
  • Employee Roster The number of permits issued to your business is calculated based on the total number of employee hours. You will fill out an Employee Roster, providing a list of names and number of hours worked per week. Zone N and G applicants can indicate if they want to trade in permits to get free Transportation Wallets (a collection of passes and credits for use on transit, streetcar, bike share, and scooters).  If you need translations of the forms please contact us. The forms below will be available during your application, but we recommend you fill them out ahead of time, save them to your computer, and upload them into the online system: 

Step 4: Prepare 

  1. The online permit system is compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge 10. You can opt to receive SMS notifications related to your permit. Expect to see some emails come from noreply-usn@flowbird.group. The link to the online permit system is in Step 5. Please create your account after reviewing all of the preparation steps. 

  2. Validate your address to confirm which zone you are in. Do not put the direction in the Street Name field, select it from the Direction field. Please keep in mind that there are different permit rules for different zones. 

  3. Select your permit type. Keep in mind, if you are applying for an annual permit and guest permit(s), you will need to complete a separate application for each one. 

  4. Upload electronic versions of supporting documentation. You will be prompted on which documents to upload. 2 MB is the maximum size for files. If your file size is too large you can use a PDF resize document tool.

  5. You will be notified within five (5) business days if your application has been approved. If approved, you will be prompted to make your payment through the online permit system. See information on payment in Step 2. 

  6. Once approved, you are authorized to park your vehicle in curbside parking spaces signed for your zone. Your permit is tied to your license plate, no paper permit(s). 

  7. Manage your permits if you need to. You can activate/deactivate license plates, buy more permits, request a temporary permit, replace a permit, and make other changes all through the online permit system. Permit rules vary by zone.

  8. Inputting license plates or trip/temporary permits: Do not include dashes, spaces, or names of other states when entering in license plate information. If you have a specialty plate, you must include the vertical letters displayed on the left side of the plate. For trip/temporary permits, include the letters and numbers. Click Here for more information. 

Terms and Conditions

Step 5: Apply for your permit online

Zone M - New Resident Applicants

Zone M - New Business Applicants

All other zones - New Resident or Business Applicants

Returning Users

Watch Video Tutorials of the Online System

Watch Residential Permit Video Tutorial

Watch Business Permit Video Tutorial 

Watch Annual Guest Permit Video Tutorial

Watch Daily Guest Permit Video Tutorial

The Daily Guest video states June 30, 2022 as the expiration date for scratch-offs, please disregard that date. We are still honoring previously purchased paper scratch-offs and those permits can be used. 

Zone Parking Permit Look Up Tool

Zones in the online system no longer use paper permits, with the exception of daily-scratch offs. Parking Enforcement uses license plate numbers to determine if a vehicle has an active parking permit. If you have a concern about whether a vehicle in your neighborhood has an active permit, you can use the license plate look up tool where you will input a license plate number and select the zone to run a query.   

Look Up Tool

Zone Parking Permit Program Background and Supplemental Plans

The Zone Parking Permit Program began in 1981 in response to community concerns about commuter parking in neighborhoods. Commuter parking originates from outside the permit area and has no apparent connection or business within the permit area. The program is designed to help people who live or work in areas with a commuter parking problem by creating a visitor time limit. Those who do have businesses or live in the area may apply to purchase a permit, allowing parking beyond the visitor limit.

There are currently several zones in operation.  Each zone’s boundaries, visitor time limits, and hours of operation are designed around the needs of the individual neighborhood. Each zone has their own combination of residentialbusiness, and visitor permits available for purchase. Neighborhood and/or Business Associations work with the Bureau of Transportation to create the rules for their particular zone.

For details about a particular zone including the permit start dates, visitor limits, and permit hours, see our interactive map.

Each permit parking zone has a supplemental plan that details the policies and procedures for each zone. For more information on supplemental plans, click here. 

Interested in starting a Zone Parking Permit Program or annexing into an existing one? 

The Zone Parking Permit Program must be initiated by affected residents and businesses seeking a remedy for the lack of available parking in their area due to commuter parking. Permit parking programs are not available in existing metered areas. A majority (greater than 60%) of the properties who vote, must vote in favor of the program before it is implemented. For information on starting parking permit zone, please see below.

For more information, please contact Nicole Powell at nicole.powell@portlandoregon.gov

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Do you have a customer service counter?

Our customer service desk in the Portland Building at 1120 SW 5th Ave is no longer in operation. We are available via email at PBOTParkingPermits@portlandoregon.gov or via phone at 503-823-2777.

Does a parking permit guarantee a parking spot?

No, a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Permits allow users to park on street past the posted visitor time limit in their respective zone. Parking permits do not guarantee parking in a specific spot. A temporary construction permit may be issued that could limit available spaces. Please check current known reservations.  

How do I pay for my permit(s)?

Once your permit(s) have been approved by PBOT, it’s time to pay. You can go directly to the payment page through the link in your email, or go to the permit tab to pay for your permit. From the permit tab, select view or permit ID number. Businesses must input license plate numbers and can choose to pay for permits all at once, or pay one at a time. Watch a video on how to pay: residentbusinessannual guestdaily guest.

What do I do if I get a new car and need to permanently transfer my permit? Scenario applies to residential parking permits only.

This is a process outside the online system. Please email PBOTParkingPermits@portlandoregon.gov with new vehicle registration, new license plate number, and past license plate number.  

Need to temporarily change your license plate? For example, my car is in the shop and I am renting a car. Applies to residential parking permits only. 

You can change your permit for up to 4 weeks. Login, go to permit tab under PBOT logo, click to view the residential permit, select “permit”, click ID #, select “temporary change” and you will be directed to type in a new license plate number at no cost. On mobile device start navigation using Home dropdown menu. 

My business permits are approved and paid for, but I would like to purchase additional permits. For example, I didn’t buy the full amount my business qualifies for, or I just hired new employees and would like to order permits for them. What steps do I take?

In the online permit system, select business permit tab and click on your business permit. Next, request the number of permits you would like to add. Last, click “update". The application will refresh and read “resubmission”. You can upload a new employee roster here, if you need to show proof of additional employees. See zone specific restrictions for permit limits.

How do I change license plates of my guests or employees? Applies to business and guest permits.

Click on the "business permit" tab or "daily" tab -> Click view -> Change license plates of paid permits. We recommend bookmarking this page, so you can easily return to it later.

How do I manage my daily guest permits?

You can change license plate numbers and dates based on who is visiting and when they are visiting. Watch a video tutorialwith more information. On the home page, go to the daily permit tab to schedule daily permit sessions. Select view. Type in a license plate number, choose a date, and click create session. Your daily permits are activated at midnight on the days you have scheduled. If you need to cancel, please do so before midnight when the unit is activated.

Daily permits expire and must be used within the year of purchase. If you need to purchase additional daily permits (more than what you initially purchased), you must submit a new application. Click the  START PERMIT APPLICATION  button at the top of the page and complete a new application. 

What steps do I take if I need to apply for a residential parking permit with a trip permit/temporary permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)? Scenario applies to residential parking permits only.

You input the DMV trip permit/temporary permit number and this will serve as your license plate. You will also upload a picture of the trip permit/temporary permit. When you get your new license plate email PBOTParkingPermits@portlandoregon.govwith new vehicle registration, new license plate number, and past trip permit/temporary permit number. Learn more on how to enter plate numbers.

How does the renewal process work in the online system? Applies to Annual Resident permits only at this time. 

Once you have an annual permit in the online permit system, a renewal notice will be sent (email or text) to you 4 weeks before your permit expires. Your permit does not automatically renew. You will only receive notice if you sign up for notifications with your account. The reapply button is found when you click on your current permit in the system. 

What are my options if I temporarily reside in or own a guest house (ex: AirBnB)?

Visitors and owners of guest houses have the option to apply for parking permit(s). See your zone plan for specifics.

Can I use an area parking permit on a recreational vehicle?

No, recreational vehicles (RVs) are not eligible for a zone parking permit. City Code 16.20.120 states that RVs can only be on the street for up to four hours while actively loading or unloading from their residence. RVs can only park for the visitor time limit in an area parking permit zone and must be actively loading or unloading otherwise the vehicle could receive a citation. You can find more information on Zoning Allowances for RVs.

What is the process for applying for my annual resident permit in Zone M?   

When you apply for a Zone M annual resident permit here, you will be taken through a 3 step process: 1. Identify your building on the map, 2. Fill out a Supplemental Form online, 3. Apply/submit documentation in the online permit portal.  

What are the Zone M annual resident permit restrictions?  

Permits are limited to 1 per licensed driver and 3 per household. Note that every permit applicant needs their own account/email address due to the 1 permit per person rule. Certain buildings have permit caps (based on year built), and you may not qualify for a permit if you have access to off-street parking. Learn more about Zone M here.  

Can I order Washington Park parking permits or Council Crest parking permits through this online system?  

No, Washington Park and Council Crest neighborhood permits use paper applications and paper permits. Residents of those neighborhoods can email PBOTParkingPermits@portlandoregon.gov with their address and request an application. 

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