Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Welcome to PBOT’s Equity & Inclusion Newsletter

PBOT's February Equity and Inclusion newsletter includes information on Black History Month, Requesting ADA-compliant curb ramps, Project Spotlight: Building a Better 82nd, an more!
A colorful graphic of people with the words "Equity & Inclusion PBOT" overlaid.

Dear Friends, 

We are thrilled to be writing to you today on Black History Month as we officially launch our Equity & Inclusion Newsletter for the Portland Bureau of Transportation Bureau (PBOT). 

The Portland Bureau of Transportation is committed to advancing the city’s racial equity goals through our programs and policies. Our Equity & Inclusion team supports PBOT in providing equitable, accessible service to all Portlanders and strengthening outreach to historically underserved communities.   

We cannot make change of this scale on our own. We need everyone—PBOT’s leadership and staff, community partners, and all Portlanders—to work together to improve our policy, process, and practice.  

We look forward to continuing in partnership with you all and will be in touch for opportunities to get involved. 

All the best, 

Wendy Serrano, Equity & Inclusion Manager 

Maria Hernandez Segoviano, Senior Community Engagement Coordinator 

PBOT’s Equity &Inclusion team 

Image of Wendy Serrano with a white background and next to it a picture of Maria Hernandez Segoviano with a gray background

Celebrating Black History Month 

Black History Month is observed every February to celebrate the accomplishments of Black and African Americans. It is an opportunity to recognize the many ways Black history, culture, leadership, and innovation have influenced all facets of life in the U.S. 

Please take a moment to check out this compilation from Prosper’s Portland Black Affinity Group. It includes favorite books, movies, music, poets, and artists from the Black Affinity group for you to enjoy.  

Accessibility Resources  

Request an ADA-compliant curb ramp 

If you or someone you legally represent have a disability and need an ADA-compliant curb ramp for access to your neighborhood or work, please visit PBOT’s ADA Technical Resources page. There you will find helpful information and a simple form for requesting a curb ramp.  

For additional questions, contact PBOT's ADA Coordinator, Lisa Strader at Lisa.Strader@portlandoregon.gov. 

Title VI discrimination complaint form now in multiple languages 

PBOT will continue to work on our Language Access Plan with the guidance from the city’s Office of Equity & Human Rights to systematically ensure all Portlanders have access to critical PBOT information, regardless of language or accessibility barriers. This order addresses the mandates of both Title II and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it goes beyond these mandates: to make language access a permanent, ongoing commitment of PBOT in every division.  

We recently updated our discrimination complaint forms to be accessible in nine additional languages. You can access those forms on this link. 

For questions, email PBOTequityteam@portlandoregon.gov.  

Project Spotlight:

Building a Better 82nd 

Late last month, PBOT released updated plans for the Building a Better 82nd project. Read the full press release here. This major maintenance project includes wider sidewalks, pedestrian safety improvements, and new, smooth pavement on a 2.5-mile stretch of 82nd Avenue.   

The 60% design drawings and plans are available for public review. The 60% design represents a major milestone in the project's development and is the result of nine months of public engagement, safety and traffic analysis, and design progress. Learn more on the Building a Better 82nd project website

Share your feedback on the design by March 31

An artists rendering of 82nd Avenue next to SF Supermarket. Pedestrians walk and push strollers on a tree-lined sidewalk.

Project Update:

Projects near NE Columbia Blvd and 42nd Ave

PBOT has a few projects around NE Columbia Boulevard and 42nd Avenue ranging from building operational and safety enhancements to repaving to new and upgraded streetlights. Check out these project pages below:

Questions? Connect with PBOT Project Manager Winston Sandino for all of these at winston.sandino@portlandoregon.gov

PBOT Budget Update

Last week PBOT joined the Bureau of Environmental Services and the Portland Water Bureau at the Public Works Budget Work Session to share our budget outlooks for the upcoming fiscal year. This marked the first time budget work sessions were organized by the city’s new service areas ahead of the city’s transition to its new form of governance on Jan. 1, 2025.  

Use the link above to watch the presentation or download a PDF of the slides. More on PBOT’s budget can be found on our PBOT Budget website here

If you missed it, check out the recording and also see PBOT’s budget page if you have any questions. 

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 

6-8 p.m.: Building a Better 82nd - Community Advisory Group, Meeting #6


Questions related to equity and inclusion at PBOT? Contact PBOTequityteam@portlandoregon.gov.  

Questions about projects happening in your neighborhood? Visit PBOT’s transportation Transportation projects Projects home page to find a project and the contact info for the PBOT’s Project Manager or team working on it. Or simply call PBOT Customer Service at 311 (503-823-4000) and they’ll help find what you’re looking for. Operators are available every day, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. (excluding federal holidays). Interpretation available | Interpretación disponible | Phiên dịch có sẵn | 提供口译服务 | Доступна интерпретация | Tafsiir la heli karo | Доступний переклад 

Thank you! We look forward to staying in touch!  


PBOT Equity & Inclusion program
