(Nov. 30, 2022) Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) maintenance crews have begun grading and graveling residential gravel streets in Southeast, Northeast, and North Portland this month as part of the city’s Gravel Street Service, funded by Fixing Our Streets.
PBOT started the Gravel Street Service in 2018. Over 5,000 Portland residences are located alongside gravel streets. Crews work on a three-year cycle, working from November through February and tackling all sections of the city each of those three years. Thanks to voters in May 2020 who resoundingly supported a renewal of Portland’s 10-cent per gallon gas tax-funded program, Fixing Our Streets, the program was funded for an additional four years through 2024.
The Gravel Street Service improves the condition of the 50 miles of unpaved gravel roads in Portland. These streets are not maintained by the city and over the years they have deteriorated, filling with potholes and ruts. As part of this free service, PBOT crews fill in ruts and potholes and grade and gravel the streets for a smoother surface. These smoothed-out streets help people more easily get around their neighborhoods and access their homes.
Residents within the service area will receive a letter informing them when crews will be starting work. Look for door hangers and "No Parking" signs which will be put out a few days beforehand. While crews work, some parking will be limited and traffic restrictions may be needed to do the work safely and efficiently. PBOT crews typically work weekdays from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. In some cases, they may need to do some weekend work. Most streets take about two days, but could take longer depending on the length and condition of the street. Be prepared for dust and noise at times. Residents will always have access to their homes during the project. If you have questions about the project or concerns over local access, talk to one of the crew members, and they will be happy to assist.
Watch a video about Portland’s Gravel Street Service to see crews in action grading and graveling a street:
Learn more about the Gravel Street Service at https://www.portland.gov/transportation/maintenance/portland-gravel-street-service.