(Dec. 7, 2021) As we look to the future, how will we move goods through our city? The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is asking community members and freight stakeholders to help prioritize Portland’s needs that will support safe, equitable, efficient, and sustainable urban freight movement. We’re inviting Portlanders to take a brief survey to help PBOT identify intersections, streets, curb, bridges, ramps, and neighborhoods where Portlanders experience urban freight-related safety and mobility concerns.
The 2040 Portland Freight Plan is an update of the City’s Freight Master Plan adopted by the Portland City Council in 2006 and will coordinate PBOT's efforts to support safe, equitable, efficient, and sustainable urban freight movement in Portland. Urban freight refers to the commercial items, or goods, that are moved throughout the city. Most people think of freight as trucks on the highway, but within a city goods can also be delivered through delivery vans, bikes, and hand carts. The flow of goods and services within the city is critical to everyday life.
Every item in your home, favorite restaurant, or favorite store, has been delivered from nearby or from different places around the world. As Portland’s population and economy grows, so does our consumption and distribution of goods, with a corresponding increase in the volume of commercial vehicles that move them. As a consequence, transportation related problems including safety concerns, greenhouse gas emissions, congestion, air and noise pollution will increase if no action is taken.
The public survey closes Jan. 14, 2022 for the project team to investigate, evaluate, and prioritize projects for potential future investment. A subsequent draft list of prioritized projects will be made available for additional public comment and refinement in Spring 2022.
To take the survey today, learn more, or sign up for project updates, visit www.2040Freight.com.