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News Blog: Another record-breaking year for PBOT's Sunday Parkways program

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Help us plan for 2019 by taking the Sunday Parkways post-season survey
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(Oct. 11, 2018) Another record-breaking season of Sunday Parkways has come to an end. With an estimated 125,000 participants over five events, the 2018 season was our biggest year yet!

In addition to offering events on four pre-existing and beloved neighborhood routes in Southeast, North, Outer Northeast and Northeast Portland, the Portland Bureau of Transportation introduced the Green Loop route in July – taking 33,000 participants on an adventure through Portland’s Central City. And, just like every year, each Parkways was filled with smiles, laughter, fun and hundreds upon thousands of first-time experiences that make this PBOT program the memory-making Portland institution it has become. 

After eleven seasons of Sunday Parkways, participants have shared lots of firsts:

  • First time riding a bike with friends or family in the street
  • First visit to a new park or neighborhood
  • First taste from that food cart that is now your favorite
  • First ride or walk with thousands of fellow Portlanders
  • First time volunteering for a community event

But even after all these years, we still have new firsts to add to the list. Here are some of our favorite "firsts" from Sunday Parkways 2018:

  • First time on the Green Loop, including the Rose Quarter, Broadway Bridge, Portland Art Museum, Portland State University and Lovejoy Fountain
  • First shared electric scooters at Sunday Parkways as part of Portland’s E-Scooter Pilot Program
  • First time at the new Gateway Discovery Park
  • First time hosting Everybody Rides and Adaptive Bikes
  • First Sunday Parkways appearances by Blaze the Trail Cat, Timber Joey, and Moshow the Cat Rapper

But enough from us, what was your favorite part of Sunday Parkways this year? We want to hear from you. Please take five minutes to complete the Sunday Parkways post-season survey. Your feedback will help us as we start planning for 2019. 

As a thank you for your participation, you will have the opportunity to be entered into a raffle at the end of the survey. Raffle prizes include: $25 Visa Gift Card (4 winners will be selected) and 2018 Sunday Parkways T-shirt (4 winners will be selected).


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