(July 6, 2016) The City of Portland's Sunday Parkways was a leader in vitalizing open streets in the United States in 2008. The Portland Bureau of Transportation is now proud to host the fourth annual International Open Streets Summit (OSS) on August 18 to 21 in Portland in partnership with the Open Streets Project, Street Plans Collaborative, 8-80 Cities, Portland State University's Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), and the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI).
This Open Streets Summit brings together leaders from across the world and the nation to share their experiences and lessons learned in starting and sustaining open streets initiatives in their communities. Workshops will focus not only on the nuts and bolts of running an Open Streets event, but how to take this program to connect neighbors to neighbors, and inspire community-wide changes in health, livability, and economic vitality.
"The Sunday Parkways team is thrilled to host the International Open Streets Summit this summer" says PBOT Active Transportation and Safety Programs Manager, Linda Ginenthal. "For nearly a decade, Portland has reimagined our streets with Sunday Parkways - opening our streets to people on bikes, on foot, on all manner of conveyances and connecting our communities across the city. We can't wait to show off all that Portland has to offer to folks from around the country and globe."
Along with the opportunity to exchange ideas on how best to build coalitions of supporters, reach out to new partners, market/brand your event, and more, the summit will provide a breadth of walking, biking, and open streets events that will introduce participants to the great transit options and activities available across Portland.
Come to Portland for another round of energy, innovation, and idea exchange for activating open streets in your community. Be sure to register for the 2016 International Open Streets Summit by July 15 to get your early bird special.