(May 12, 2016) Portland Sunday Parkways, presented by Kaiser Permanente, comes to East Portland this Sunday, May 15 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, for the inaugural event of the 2016 season. If you've been to one of these events in the past, you know they are hugely popular - total attendance topped 119,000 last year.
Sunday Parkways are your opportunity to take to the streets. Portlanders of all ages, incomes and abilities can walk, bike, roll, and play in the City's
largest public space, as well as join in on active fun and food at parks and market centers along these traffic-free routes. The East Portland route is 7 miles and takes in some beautiful natural areas in East Portland including the newly finished Foster Floodplain Natural Area as well as Lents, Ed Benedict, Glenwood, and Bloomington Parks. Participants are encouraged to visit the BIKETOWN station at Lents Park where they will have an opportunity to check out the new bike share bikes and take a preview ride.Joining East Portland Sunday Parkways this year is the New Portlanders Cultural Celebration & Family Day, hosted by Portland Parks & Recreation, Parks for New Portlanders and other partners. All are welcome to this free, multicultural community gathering to celebrate people new to Portland - and the United States - and introduce them to one of Portland's most beloved traditions - walking, biking and rolling through Portland's neighborhoods in celebration of community.
Find the list of music, food, community organizations, sponsored and scheduled classes and activities on our East Portland Sunday Parkways webpage. And follow us on Facebook at PortlandSundayParkways and on Twitter @SundayParkways.