Time updated for this event: 9:30 to 11 a.m.
(Sept. 22, 2015) – The Portland Bureau of Transportation and Portland Police Bureau advise the traveling public that a crosswalk education and enforcement action is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 23 at the marked crosswalk on NE Glisan Street, west of 130th Place from 9:30 to 11 a.m. to raise awareness of traffic safety and Oregon traffic laws, and emphasize school safety. Please note the time for this event has changed: An announcement last week indicated the event would be 7 to 8:30 a.m., but the time has been changed to coincide with a late-start day for nearby Menlo Park Elementary School.
Education and enforcement actions such as the Sept. 23 event are a key part of the City of Portland’s citywide effort to reach its Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries.The start of September means school is back in session or about to begin for thousands of children and families. When driving, people should anticipate seeing more children going to and from school and be prepared to drive the posted 20 mph speed or less when in designated school zones. Children are often smaller and more difficult to see, so people driving should continually scan their environment looking for children in the crossing or about to cross and be prepared to stop. If you're a parent, consider walking or biking to school with your students where possible to reduce congestion, improve safety and provide young people with needed physical activity.
For more information on the Portland Safe Routes to School program visit http://www.saferoutesportland.org
This NE Glisan Street and west of 130th Place location was selected because of the proximity to Menlo Park Elementary School and the City’s efforts to bring more awareness about youth heading back-to-school and transportation safety.
Under Oregon law, EVERY intersection is a legal crosswalk whether it is marked or unmarked. People driving cars must stop and stay stopped for pedestrians when the person walking is in the motor lane or the adjacent lane (motor lane plus 6 feet on either side when the driver is making a turn at a traffic signal). A bike lane and a parking lane are an extension of the adjacent travel lane. ORS 811.028.
Each crosswalk education and enforcement action involves a designated pedestrian walking across the street at a marked or unmarked crosswalk while police monitor how people driving, biking and walking adhere to traffic safety laws. People driving who fail to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk and people walking across the street who fail to follow Oregon traffic laws may be issued a warning or citation.
Crosswalk education and enforcement actions are an effective way to communicate traffic laws to people driving and walking. The transportation and police bureaus do education and enforcement actions about once each month in response to requests by community members, city traffic safety engineers, and Portland Police to educate the general public on the rules at marked and unmarked crossings.
Learn more about rights and responsibilities for walking safely across a street. View the results of previous actions. Find out more about PBOT’s safety work and Vision Zero, PBOT’s goal of making our transportation system the safest possible and moving towards zero traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2025. www.visionzeroportland.com.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is the steward of the City’s transportation system, and a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides access and mobility. www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation
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