(June 2, 2015) Portland Mayor Charlie Hales, City Commissioner Steve Novick and Transportation Director Leah Treat will hold a news conference today to discuss the City’s efforts to prioritize safety for all transportation modes in a multimodal environment. The news conference comes immediately following an afternoon meeting at City Hall with stakeholders and officials with the Portland Police Bureau and Portland Fire & Rescue. A representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation will also be available.
WHO: Mayor Charlie Hales, Commissioner Steve Novick, Transportation Director Leah Treat
WHAT: News conference to update news media and public on transportation safety discussion
WHEN: 4 p.m. Tuesday June 2, 2015
WHERE: North Atrium, First Floor, Portland City Hall, 1221 SW Fourth Ave.
WHY: Mayor, Commissioner and Transportation Director are working with the community and public safety agencies on how we can increase public awareness and increase safety for all Portlanders, whether they bike, walk or drive.