News Release: East Portland Sunday Parkways draws record high attendance; Active Transportation Week and Bike Month offer more chances to get out and get active

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(May 11, 2015) –   A record number of participants turned out for the first Sunday Parkways of the season held in East Portland yesterday, Mother’s Day.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation recorded 16,250 people walking, bicycling, skateboarding, skating and traveling by wheelchair during the City of Portland Sunday Parkways presented by Kaiser Permanente event, held along a seven-mile route of traffic-free streets.

By comparison, last year’s event drew 14,000, which previously was a record for East Portland Sunday Parkways.

“I’m delighted to by the growing popularity of Sunday Parkways in East Portland and throughout the city, and by how many people are getting out and getting active on Portland’s neighborhood greenways every day,” said Leah Treat. “Sunday Parkways offers a fabulous way to explore your own neighborhood or discover a new one, and our network of neighborhood greenways offer low-traffic, low-speed streets for everyday use.”

Sunday Parkways is a series of five free community events opening the city's largest public space – its streets – for people to walk, bike, roll and discover active transportation, or traveling by people’s own power.  The series, held in a different neighborhood once a month from May to September, is hugely popular; total attendance topped 108,000 last year.

The next Sunday Parkways will be June 21, Father’s Day, in North Portland, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  and the rest of the season’s schedule may be found at

Active Transportation Week and Bike Month offer more chances to get out and get active

Sunday Parkways is also part of May Bike Month and the kickoff to Active Transportation Week, which the Portland City Council has designated for May 10 to 16. The council proclamation, introduced by Mayor Charlie Hales and Commissioner Steve Novick, recognizes Portland as a platinum-rated bicycle-friendly city and the role bicycling plays in the city’s and people’s health. 

Other Active Transportation and Bike Month events are:

Tues May 12   Quick Fix Bike Breakfast  7:30 - 9 a.m.   N Willamette and Ainsworth

Tues May 12 Cycling Essentials Class  6:30 - 8:00 p.m.  PCC Cascade Campus Student Center**

Wed  May 13 Cycling Essentials Class  6:30 - 8:00 p.m.   PCC CLIMB Center

Thur – Fri, May 14-15  Every Bike Counts24-hour Bike Count celebration Noon-Noon  SE 28th and Ankeny

Fri  May 15   National Bike to Work Day

For additional Bike Month activities see For information on Sunday Parkways, visit or call 503-823-7599. Follow us on Facebook at PortlandSundayParkways and on Twitter @SundayParkways.


The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is the steward of the City’s transportation system, and a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides access and

 East Portland Sunday Parkways appreciates the generous support from the following sponsors:

sponsors 2015

Media Contact: 

Diane Dulken 503.577.8236