(February 10, 2015) – The Portland Bureau of Transportation leadership today released Portland Progress, a two-year work plan that highlights new initiatives affecting all aspects of bureau operations and sets the agency’s sights on serving Portlanders’ core values of quality of life, safety, health and economic wellbeing.
“PBOT has long stood out among much larger cities for our expansive vision of transportation as a catalyst for economic development, environmental sustainability and social equity,” said Leah Treat, the transportation bureau’s director. “This work plan continues in that tradition and is a fitting challenge for a staff that is consistently hard-working, resourceful and forward-looking.”
Portland Progress comes in two parts, the first focused on external actions to improve Portland’s transportation system, the second on strengthening the organization itself so it can better serve the public. Both parts are published online at www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/workplan.
While ambitious in goals, the work plan is realistic about finances and the resources available to PBOT. The work plan specifically calls out the budget cuts of recent years that have taken a toll on the bureau and the city’s transportation system. It outlines approaches and actions that can be taken with existing resources and scaled up as new revenue becomes available.
“We are laying out a bold and audacious vision for what our transportation future can be - a city of zero traffic fatalities, with streets and systems that are the envy of the nation, an inclusive city where every resident and business has the opportunity to grow and thrive, and a sustainable place that supports the health of both our people and our planet,” Treat added.
Portland Progress action items are informed first by the multiple long-range plans that guide all city agencies: the Portland Plan, the Comprehensive Plan, Climate Action Plan and, specifically to this bureau, the Transportation System Plan. It was further developed through input and meetings with partner agencies, stakeholders and employee focus groups.
The result is a plan with 176 ambitious and actionable steps that are grouped into six themes. Five are focused on serving the public. The sixth theme, Shoring Up the Foundation, focuses on the people of PBOT and improved internal operations.
Portland Progress is intended to be a living document for use internally as well as in the community. PBOT also commits to reporting on its progress through an online performance meter and periodic updates.
The plan is amply illustrated and includes graphics and other resources that can be excerpted and used as needed. These include a “Safe Speed” graphic that shows the effect of different speeds on the likelihood of a person surviving a crash, and maps of annexation, diversity and unpaved streets.
Portland Progress also summarizes the city’s transportation history, showing how the city and its transportation choices have evolved over the years, from early days that includes a streetcar system to the age of the automobile to current times in which the public and bureau are striving for a more balanced system that raises the role of walking, biking and transit.
“Our goal is to build a better Portland together,” Treat said. “We will be ambitious, and we will be accountable. We will move forward quickly and efficiently within two years to make this plan a reality, and after two years we will continue to build on this plan and build on our progress.”
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is the steward of the City’s transportation system, and a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides access and mobility. www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation