(December 16, 2015) The Portland Bureau of Transportation and the Portland Police Bureau have released the results of Tuesday's traffic enforcement and education action on SE Clinton Street between SE 12th Avenue and SE 50th Avenue. The action generated 35 citations and 25 warnings, with a total of 45 people driving cars and 15 people riding bicycles stopped over the course of the day. With each traffic stop, officers from PPB also distributed Vision Zero pamphlets with information about safe travel for people who walk, bike and/or drive.
During the enforcement action, the Portland Police Bureau was on the lookout for violations that threatened the safety of people walking and biking. These violations included unsafe passing, speeding, aggressive driving, and noncompliance with stop signs.
The enforcement action was a component of the education and outreach program for the Clinton Neighborhood Greenway Enhancement Project. The project addresses auto volume and speed issues on Clinton in order to make the greenway more inviting for people who walk and bike. During the public meetings to discuss the project, community members asked PBOT to initiate an education and enforcement campaign to make drivers aware of the unique role that neighborhood greenways play in encouraging walking and biking. The Portland City Council has also made a commitment to protect and enhance the city's neighborhood greenways.
As part of the overall improvement of the Clinton Neighborhood Greenway, PBOT has also scheduled the installation of two traffic diverters on SE Clinton Street at SE 17th Avenue and 32nd Avenue. Weather permitting, the diverters will be installed during the first week of January 2016.
Education and enforcement actions such as the December 15 event are a key part of the City of Portland's citywide effort to reach its Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Find out more about PBOT's safety work and Vision Zero, PBOT's goal of making our transportation system the safest possible and moving towards zero traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2025: www.visionzeroportland.com.
Statistics from PPB:
AM: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
7.5 Personnel hours worked
4 Citations
10 Warnings
14 Cars stopped
Several citizen contacts and Vision Zero pamphlets handed out. All of the vehicle/pedestrian traffic stops included a Vision Zero pamphlet.
The breakdown of the citations and warnings were:
3 Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device
2 Equipment violations
1 Speeding
1 No Seatbelt
1 Illegal U-turn
2 Failure to carry proof of insurance
1 Driving uninsured
1 Failure to use signal when turning
PM: 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
14.1 Personnel hours worked
31 Citations
15 Warnings
31 Cars stopped
15 Bicycles stopped
49 Vision Zero pamphlets handed out
The breakdown of the citations and warning were:
1 Felony Warrant Arrest
1 Hit and Run investigated (west end of mission area - 12th and Main)
23 Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device
15 Equipment Violations
5 Turning and Lane Violations
3 Driving Uninsured / Fail to Carry Proof of Insurance
2 Driving While Suspended
1 No Op
1 Seatbelt