Fix-It Fair season continues

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Portland's signature events help you improve your home, your bike, your finances and more!
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(January 16, 2015)  It’s not too late to attend a Fix-It Fair! Two more fairs will take place from 9:30am to 3:00pm on Saturday, January 24 at Rosa Parks Elementary School and Saturday, February 21 at David Douglas High School. You can view the brochure for the January 2015 Fix-It Fair here.

Volunteers fix bikes at Fix It Fair
Fix-It Fairs are FREE City of Portland events where you can learn simple ways to save money and connect with local resources. Join your neighbors and talk to the experts on topics such as water and energy, health, food and nutrition, community resources, recycling, yard care and even active transportation! You can also take advantage of more than 25 workshops offered hourly and free on-site childcare and lunch are provided at each fair.

At the January event Bikes for Humanity will host a workshop on Bike Flat Tire Repair and Chain Maintenance at 1:00pm and Portland By Cycle will be offering our All-Season Cycling class at 2:00pm.

The Safe Routes to School program will offer free minor bike repairs for students and families. Mechanics from Bikes For Humanity and Bike Farm will volunteer their time to fix as many bikes as possible at the fair. Please deliver your bike for repair before 2:00pm to ensure it is completed before the Fair ends at 3:00pm.

9:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Saturday, January 24, 2015

Rosa Parks Elementary School
8960 N Woolsey Ave

9:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Saturday, February 21, 2015

David Douglas High School
1001 SE 135th Ave

For more information on the Fix-It Fairs, check out BPS’s website or download the brochure (pdf) for the upcoming event.