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Buy compost and gravel from Sunderland Yard

Sunderland Yard is a city facility that recycles materials from work done by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Facility produces compost, recycled rock, screened dirt, as well as sand from snow and ice response. Recycled rock and compost for sale. Screened dirt free.
Photo of tractors moving compost into piles at PBOT's Sunderland Yard facility.

The recycled concrete rock comes from crushed stone or gravel that has been reclaimed or recycled from previous construction projects or demolished structures from both public and private sources. This sustainable practice is aimed at reducing waste and the city’s environmental impact.

The compost is a result of the 5,000 tons of leaves collected each year through the city’s Leaf Day program. This program focuses on picking up the leaves that fall onto the streets. Removing leaves from streets helps reduce slippery road conditions, increasing the safety of pedestrians and people biking or driving.  

You can purchase compost and recycled rock from our facility, as well as pick up free fill dirt.

Visiting our Sunderland Yard facility

We only accept cash or credit card. No personal checks please.

Please review our price list and minimums below.

Price list

3/4"-0 Recycled Concrete Rock$10 per ton
Screened Dirt (not recommended for gardens or as topsoil substitute)Free
Compost ($12 / 0.5 cubic yard minimum)*$24 per cubic yard*
Asphalt and Concrete Tipping ($4 minimum, CLEAN: No wood or metal)$8.85 per ton for a clean load

A cubic yard of compost typically fits into a full-size pickup.

Every other month the final compost is monitored for quality, maturation, and sizing, per the United States Compost Council’s (USCC) monitoring guidelines. The facility has been a member of the USCC since 2007.

Sunderland Yard Recycling Facility does not accept yard debris or wood products.

More about Portland's Leaf Day compost

The City of Portland's Leaf Day leaf collection program begins early November and runs through mid-December. This program focuses on picking up the leaves that fall onto the streets. Removing leaves from streets helps reduce slippery road conditions, increasing the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Street leaf removal also reduces street flooding caused by clogged catch basins (grated storm drains). The City infrastructure also benefits from the reduced amount of leaves entering the storm drains.

Our compost turner has a restacking system that allows for a single pass for turning and restacking the compost. During the turning process, the compost is aerated and, because of our frequent rainfall, water is added. The temperature and moisture content of the composting leaves are monitored daily to determine when to turn the pile to facilitate the composting process.

The final compost product is used by City crews for soil amendment (mixed with soil in areas in preparation for revegetation), erosion control in areas with exposed soil (e.g., roadside ditches and maintenance projects, etc.), donated to community gardens, and sold to the public.

More about recycled rock 

Recycled concrete rock comes from crushed stone or gravel that has been reclaimed or recycled from previous construction projects or demolished structures from both public and private sources. Oversized concrete and asphalt chunks are downsized using an excavator and then fed through a crushing machine to make 3/4” minus aggregate.

Asphalt and concrete recycling provides the raw material to make aggregates that are reused by PBOT and other city bureaus. PBOT generates much more asphalt waste than concrete so to maintain the correct blend of material to meet specifications, some clean concrete, asphalt, and rock is accepted at the Sunderland Yard from private contractors and community members.

This material can be used for various applications in construction, such as base layers for roads, driveways, walkways, or as a drainage material in landscaping projects. Its composition makes it suitable for compacting and providing stability for various construction purposes.

Street sand recycling

Sand, which is similar to very fine gravel, is applied to city streets during snow and ice operations and is collected with street sweepers at the end of each event. The sand is then processed at Sunderland Yard to separate out trash and other debris, leaving behind only the street sanding material. It is then run through a screen plant that separates the re-usable rock from the dirt. The finished product is taken back to storage piles located around the city for use in the next snow and ice event.


Sunderland Yard

PBOT Maintenance Operations


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