Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) - September Meeting

Public Meeting
The Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) serves as an advisory group to the Bureau of Transportation and City Council on issues related to freight mobility.
pfc logo
8:30 am 10:30 am
Available Online

8:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions
Jana Jarvis

8:35 AM – Hot Topics, Points of Interest
Jana Jarvis / All
PFC members report on current activities from their respective industry and agencies.

8:50 AM – I-5 Rose Quarter Briefing
Caitlin Reff (PBOT), Brendan Finn (ODOT), and Megan Channell (ODOT)
PBOT staff will provide a quick overview of the project and the city’s role. ODOT staff will then present an update on the project scope elements, funding/finance, and schedule.

9:20 AM – Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge
Brooke Jordan (PBOT) and Megan Neill (Multnomah County)
PBOT staff will provide a quick overview of the project and the city's role. Multnomah County staff will present on bridge design milestones, including bridge type, cross-section, and vertical clearances.

9:35 AM – Capital Project Updates
Steven Szigethy and Winston Sandino (PBOT)
Staff will provide an update on four projects including the 42nd Bridge rebid, Cornfoot paving, Cornfoot MUP, and Cully/Alderwood.

9:50 AM – HVUT & Fixing Our Streets Update
Mark Lear (PBOT)
Staff will provide an update on current developments regarding HVUT and Fixing Our Streets, including information about HVUT 3 projects.

10:20 AM – Public Comments
Jana Jarvis
Members of the public can provide comment and ask questions to the committee and staff.

10:30 AM – Adjourn



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