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Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) - June Meeting

Public Meeting
The Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) serves as an advisory group to the Bureau of Transportation and City Council on issues related to freight mobility.
pfc logo
8:30 am 10:30 am
Available Online

8:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions
Jana Jarvis

8:35 AM – Hot Topics, Points of Interest
Jana Jarvis / All
PFC members report on current activities from their respective industry and agencies.
PFC Recruitment Process Update – Denver Igarta 
Election and Fixing Our Streets Update – Mark Lear

8:50 AM – Zero-Emission Delivery Zone Pilot Project
Jacob Sherman (PBOT)
Staff will provide an update on the USDOT Zero-Emission Delivery Zone pilot project. Specific updates will include preliminary results from PSU's Loading Zone observation study and Stage 2 SMART grant concepts.

9:10 AM – Curb Research / State of Practice
Anne Goodchild (UW Urban Freight Lab)
UW professor will share insights from curb related research conducted by the Urban Freight Lab. This will include a selection of some of the most interesting results that either challenge existing norms, fill current gaps in understanding, and the help to direct towards improvements.

9:40 AM – NE 46th & Bryant LID: Columbia Blvd Construction
Matt Kelly (PBOT)
Staff will provide a progress update on construction and the team's efforts to minimize traffic impacts.

9:55 AM – 82nd Avenue Corridor Plan and Transit Project
Julia Reed (PBOT), Melissa Ashbaugh (Metro)
Staff from PBOT and Metro will present on the 82nd Avenue Transit Project planning process.

10:20 AM – Public Comments
Jana Jarvis
Members of the public can provide comment and ask questions to the committee and staff.

10:30 AM – Adjourn



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