Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) - March Meeting

Public Meeting
The Portland Freight Advisory Committee (PFC) serves as an advisory group to the Bureau of Transportation and City Council on issues related to freight mobility.
pfc logo
8:30 am 10:30 am

Connection Instructions

Please click this URL to join: https://zoom.us/s/97499103224?pwd=Y3RxeGJpTEZYREcvVlFGeStZL1hndz09

Password: 101442


8:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions
Jana Jarvis

8:35 AM – Hot Topics, Points of Interest
Jana Jarvis / All
PFC members report on current activities from their respective industry and agencies.
PBOT Budget Update and PBOT Transition – Director Williams (PBOT)
PFC Recruitment - Ari Del Rosario (PBOT)

9:00 AM – Smart Grant Update
Jacob Sherman and Hannah Morrison (PBOT)
Staff will present PBOT’s Zero-Emission Delivery Zone, a U.S. Department of Transportation grant funded pilot project that will test a variety of regulatory and incentive-based interventions to promote sustainable freight and create safer streets.

9:30 AM – Marine Drive Safety Improvements
Clay Veka and Leeor Schweitzer (PBOT)
Staff will present on current safety concerns on N Marine Dr and discuss possible tools and interventions with the committee.

9:50 AM – Regional Freight Delay and Commodities Movement Study
Tim Collins (Metro)
Metro staff will present key findings from the Regional Freight Delay and Commodities Movement Study Final Report; and recommendations for future regional policy and planning efforts to improve commodity movement.

10:20 AM – Public Comments
Jana Jarvis
Members of the public can provide comment and ask questions to the committee and staff.

10:30 AM – Adjourn



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