8:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions
Jana Jarvis
8:35 AM – Hot Topics, Points of Interest
Jana Jarvis / All
PFC members report on current activities from their respective industry and agencies.
8:50 AM – Montgomery Park Area Plan
Mauricio Leclerc and Shawn Canny (PBOT)
Staff will share information on the Recommended Draft of the Montgomery Park Area Plan, with focus on transportation elements.
9:05 AM – Building a Better 82nd
Julia Reed (PBOT)
Staff will provide an informational briefing on the Building a Better 82nd plan.
9:35 AM – IBR DSEIS Letter
Denver Igarta (PBOT)
PFC members will vote on sending a letter on behalf of the committee regarding the Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) Program Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).
9:50 AM – HVUT Update
Mark Lear and Zef Wagner (PBOT)
Staff will provide an update on the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) including paving priorities.
10:20 AM – Public Comments
Jana Jarvis
Members of the public can provide comment and ask questions to the committee and staff.
10:30 AM – Adjourn