8:30 AM – Welcome and Introductions
Jana Jarvis
8:35 AM – Hot Topics, Points of Interest
Jana Jarvis / All
PFC members report on current activities from their respective industry and agencies.
Restrictions on political campaigning – Denver Igarta (PBOT)
8:50 AM – North Portland Temporary Alternative Shelter Site (TASS)
Hendrick Broekelschen (Portland Solutions), Brandy Westerman (Portland Solutions), Wendy Cawley (PBOT)
Portland Solutions and PBOT staff will share an update on facility plans and recommendations for transportation safety improvements.
9:25 AM – Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBR)
Shilpa Mallem (IBR Design Manager) and Caitlin Reff (PBOT)
IBR staff will share an overview of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Draft SEIS).
10:05 AM – HVUT Update
Mark Lear (PBOT)
Staff will provide an update on the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) including paving priorities.
10:20 AM – Public Comments
Jana Jarvis
Members of the public can provide comment and ask questions to the committee and staff.
10:30 AM – Adjourn