Services, Guides, and Information

8 services and resources found
This annual report lets us take a look back to highlight the progress and improvements made throughout 2017 and 2018, and a look forward to show what we’re planning for the future.
Draft proposal for the Fixing Our Streets program at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), the 10-cent per gallon gas tax overwhelmingly renewed by voters in May 2024. Funds to be allocated in proposed categories of paving, safety, and community street services.
Whether it’s paving our streets, filling potholes, improving street lighting, building sidewalks or helping our youngest Portlanders safely walk, bike and roll to school, the Fixing Our Streets program helps Portland move forward while improving our transportation system for all.
In 2016 and 2020, Portland City Council approved a four-year Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), collected on businesses delivering goods within city limits. Along with the voter-approved 10-cent gas tax, revenues go to PBOT’s Fixing Our Streets program, fund projects along priority freight routes.
Fixing Our Streets includes funding for reducing speeds on neighborhood streets that have high speeds and high traffic volumes. The projects are focused in areas with PBOT Equity Matrix ratings of 7 or higher.
Whether it’s paving our streets, filling potholes, improving street lighting, building sidewalks or helping our youngest Portlanders safely walk, bike and roll to school, the Fixing Our Streets program will help Portland move forward while improving our transportation system for all.