About the Fixing Our Streets Oversight Committee

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About the Committee

The Fixing Our Streets Oversight Committee plays an important role in ensuring the accountability of the 10-cent gas tax voters approved in May 2016. The list of projects, construction schedule, and line-by-line budget for Fixing Our Streets projects are overseen by both PBOT project managers and this appointed 16-member oversight body.

The diverse group of Portlanders that make up the Oversight Committee bring with them not only budget and project management experience, but a wide range of interests within the transportation community.

Purpose and Role of the Fixing Our Streets Oversight Committee

The Committee’s role is to:

  • Monitor revenues, expenditures, and program implementation for the Fixing Our Streets program.
  • Provide guidance to City Council on the effective use of new resources.
  • Review program priorities, spending, and any necessary revisions to project lists and financial plans, including the annual program audit. May make recommendation to City Council for project list revisions.
  • Monitor construction impacts to businesses, neighborhoods, and residents.
  • Monitor utilization of disadvantaged, minority-owned, women-owned, emerging small businesses and service-disabled veterans business enterprises (D/M/W/ESB/SDVBE) to support community benefit.
  • Provide an annual report to City Council containing the above information.

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