New Mobility Snapshot Report

Report summarizes bike-share, scooter-share, car-share, and private for-hire travel in Portland in 2019

"New mobility" refers to transportation services that are connected to, enabled by, or (re)defined by digital technology. In Portland, new mobility includes:

Cover of the 2019 New Mobility Snapshot report
  • BIKETOWN, Portland's bike-share system
  • Shared e-scooters
  • Car-share companies like ZipCar and car2go
  • Private for-hire, including taxis and transportation network companies Lyft and Uber

Driven by innovation and emerging technology, new mobility services bring new opportunities to help Portlanders and visitors get around. If managed properly, new mobility can help meet city mobility, climate, and equity goals.

This report summarizes trends in bike-share, scooter-share, car-share, and private for-hire use in Portland in 2019. It describes the evolution of new mobility in Portland, illustrates how new mobility addresses city goals, and discusses what's next for new mobility in Portland.  

Read the 2019 New Mobility Snapshot