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Standard Details and Drawings

Standards Details and Drawings Banner image depicting Typical Utility Sections detail P-504 from Portland's municipal details. This detail shows a typical public street cross section with the desired location of utility features and lines as they relate to the roadway features and property lines of the cross section.
City of Portland Standard Drawings and Standard Details.
On this page


  • February 4, 2025: Revised drawings for P-257, P-258, P-259, P-260, and P-263.

P-100 through P-139 Trench, Pipe Bedding

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Pipe Bedding and Pipe Zone12-15-16
Concrete Anchor Walls for Sewer Pipe01-01-09
Sewer Pipe Concrete Encasement 01-01-09
Metal Slope Anchors for Pipe04-20-10
Utility Trench Plug10-17-19

P-140 through P-149 MSPCP Details

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Top Slab "A" for Precast Maintenance Hole01-01-09
Top Slab "B" for Precast Maintenance Hole01-01-09
Top Slab "C" for Precast Maintenance Hole01-01-09
Top Slab "D" for Precast Maintenance Hole01-01-09
Top Slab "E" (Reducing Slab) for Precast Maintenance Hole (60" Dia.)01-01-09
Top Slab "E" (Reducing Slab) for Precast Maintenance Hole (72"-144" Dia.)01-01-09
Large Precast Conc. Maintenance Hole - Longitudinal Section Reinforcement (60" - 96")01-01-09
Large Precast Conc. Maintenance Hole - Longitudinal Section Reinforcement (108" - 144")01-01-09
Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole - Top Slabs "A" through "D"01-01-09
Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole - Top Slab "E" and Base Slabs01-01-09

P-150 through P-199 Maintenance Holes

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole05-15-12
Maintenance Hole Cast-In-Place Base & Precast Base Slab08-01-22
Top Slabs for Precast Concrete Maintenance Holes04-06-09
Precast Sump12-07-15
Sedimentation Maintenance Hole and Sed. Maint. Hole in Location of Extg. Sump04-01-23
Sedimentation Maintenance Hole with Baffle04-01-23
Sedimentation Maintenance Hole with Elbow04-01-23
Sampling Maintenance Hole04-07-09
Sump System Remediation Plan06-16-10
Step for Precast Maintenance Hole04-06-09
Maintenance Hole Frame - 6-inch Depth04-06-09
Maintenance Hole Frame - 10-inch Depth04-06-09
36 Inch Maintenance Hole Frame04-06-09
Maintenance Hole Riser Ring04-06-09
36 Inch Maintenance Hole Riser Ring04-06-09
Maintenance Hole Cover04-06-09
36 Inch Maintenance Hole Cover04-06-09
36 Inch Maintenance Hole Double Cover04-06-09
Tamperproof Maintenance Hole Frame & Cover - 6" Depth04-06-09
Tamperproof Maintenance Hole Frame & Cover - 10" Depth04-06-09
Watertight Maintenance Hole Frame & Cover - 6" Depth04-06-09
Watertight Maintenance Hole Frame & Cover - 10" Depth04-06-09
Maintenance Hole with Beaver Slide03-03-19

P-200 through P-215 Inlets

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Adjust Concrete Inlet11-17-15
Concrete Double Inlet - End to End (For space constraints or slopes greater than 4 percent.)11-17-15
Curb Inlet01-01-09
Combination Curb Inlet01-01-09
48" Precast Field Inlet01-01-09
Double Inlet Frame - End to End01-01-09

P-250 through P-299 Cleanouts, Risers, Inside Drops

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
PVC Deep Connection Riser07-12-16
Clay Pipe Connections for Concrete Maintenance Hole07-15-20
Piped Inside Drop Connection with Tee04-01-23
Piped Inside Drop with Drop Bowl04-01-23
Rain Drain to Gutter07-31-20
Sanitary Sewer Lateral Cleanout01-15-25
Sanitary Sewer Terminal Cleanout01-15-25
Sanitary Cleanout Frame Foundation01-15-25
Sanitary Cleanout Frame and Cover01-15-25
Sanitary Cleanout Frame & Cover Landscape01-01-09
Sewer Service Lateral - Sanitary10-01-23
Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Over Existing Lateral01-15-25
Mainline Spot Repairs04-01-21
Concrete Collars04-01-21
Connections to Brick Sewer10-04-23

P-300 through P-399 Stormwater facility details

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Concrete Inlet Type Metal07-31-20
Concrete Inlet Type Metal Rotated07-31-20
Concrete Inlet Type Metal Inlet Assembly07-31-20
Concrete Inlet Type Metal with Channel and Grate (2.5 ft step out)07-31-20
Concrete Inlet Type Metal with Channel and Grate (1 ft step out)07-31-20
Concrete Inlet Type Metal with or without Channel, with G-1 or G-2 Grate09-01-23
Curb Extension Notched Forebay07-31-20
Planter Walls07-31-20
Curb Extension Outlet Notch07-31-20
Beehive Inlet07-31-20
Overflow Slotted Drain07-31-20
Utility Coordination Sewer Service Requirements Under Green Street07-31-20
Utility Coordination Water Service Sleeving07-31-20
Utility Coordination Water Asset Clearances07-31-20
Liner Attachment Pipe and Boot07-31-20

P-400 through P-499 Traffic Signs, Pavement Markings and Control Plans

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date

Sign Placement


Breakaway Anchor Traffic Sign Supports


Breakaway Dome Traffic Sign Supports


Modified Bike Rack Sign Mount


Sign Bracket, Cap Details


Sign Bracket, Strong-Back Details


Street Name Sign Hardware Details for Pipe Post Mount


Street Name Sign Hardware Details for Cantilever Mount


Street Name Sign Detail


South Waterfront Street Name Sign Detail


Pavement Markings Standard Detail Blocks Lane Lines and Parking


Pavement Markings Standard Detail Blocks Traffic Calming and Transit


Pavement Markings Standard Detail Blocks Pedestrian and Bicycle


Pavement Markings Standard Detail Blocks Sharrows


14' Asphalt Local Speed Bump


22' Asphalt Arterial Speed Bump


Multi Cushion Speed Bumps


P-500 through P-599 Driveways, Sidewalks, Curbs and Paving

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Typical Utility Locations01-20-22
AC Pavement Trench Resurfacing On Local Streets02-26-18
Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair Adjacent To Curb02-26-18

Maintenance Hole Frame Adjustment

Borehole / Subsurface Investigation Pavement Restoration01-01-17
Belgian Paving Block Pavement02-07-11
Non-Curbed Pavement Edge06-20-12
PCC Pavement Trench Resurfacing on Busy Streets02-26-18
PCC Pavement Trench Resurfacing Typical Sections02-26-18
Trench Resurfacing Asphalt Over Concrete Streets02-26-18
AC Pavement Trench Resurfacing On Busy Streets02-26-18
PCC Pavement Trench Resurfacing On Local Streets02-26-18
Alley Driveway02-08-17
Residential Driveway (Historic)02-08-17
Typical Separated Sidewalk Driveway02-08-17
Alternate Depressed Separated Sidewalk Driveway02-08-17
Curb Tight Sidewalk Fully Lowered Driveway02-08-17
Curb Tight Sidewalk Partially Lowered Driveway02-08-17
Driveway Connection02-08-17



Miscellaneous Curb Details

Keyed Combination Curb and Sidewalk02-08-17

Midblock Curb Ramp


Corner Curb Ramp


Concrete Gutter at Curb Ramps and Transition Panels


Miscellaneous Curb Ramp Details

Typical Sidewalk & Driveway Repair (By Property owner)01-01-17
Accessible Route Island04-07-21
Traffic Separators and Transitions04-15-21
Sidewalk - Concrete Pavers10-04-17
Bike Rack05-12-16
Precast Concrete Bollard08-16-11
Typical Street Tree Installation11-01-22
Street Tree Protection Detail - Prescriptive Path08-15-22
Street Tree Protection Alternate Fencing for Underground Utilities08-15-22

P-600 through P-699 Traffic Signals and Street Lighting

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Single Mast Arm Pole & Weld Details12-09-15
Combination Mast Arm Pole Details12-09-15
Dual Mast Arm Pole Details08-17-16
Mast Arm Pole Flange Plate Details10-10-13
Mast Arm Pole Base Plate Details10-10-13
Mast Arm Pole Recessed Terminal Cabinet10-10-13
Mast Arm Pipe Tenon Attachment and Luminaire Arm Details07-15-15
Signal Pole Footing & Anchor Bolts Type 110-10-13
Signal Pole Footing & Anchor Bolts Type 2 & 310-10-13
Signal Pole Footing Frangible Base06-21-16
Signal Pole Footings - Spread & Vaulted Basement03-21-12
Base-Mounted Signal Post Footing & Type 332 Cabinet   Foundation Details06-06-16
South Waterfront Type "A" Signalized Intersection Light Pole Details03-14-12
Signal Wiring Color Code10-10-14
"APS" Pushbutton Assembly03-21-12
APS 4-Wire Push Button Schematic03-21-12
"H" Pushbutton Assembly For Steel Pole and For Wood Pole03-14-12
Pedestrian Signal Mounting on Steel and Wood Poles03-21-12
Pedestrian Signal, Sensor, And Pushbutton on Frangibles, Ornamentals, and Pipe Posts05-10-16
Controller Cabinet and Communication Interface Details03-21-12
Service Installation on Steel and Wood Poles03-21-12
Service Cabinets for Steel and Wood Poles and on Pedestals03-21-12
Signal Equipment Pole & Mast Arm Mounted Details05-10-16
Signal Equipment Span Wire Installation Details03-15-12
Overhead Street Name and Aluminum Sign Mounting Details03-20-15
Overhead Cable Pole Connection Details03-21-12
School Zone Flasher Details05-10-16
Pull Box Type A & B Details03-21-12
Communications Box Type C & D Details03-21-12
Detector Loop & Loop Pocket Details03-21-12
Cable Placement and Wood Pole Framing Details (1 of 3)03-21-12
Cable Placement and Wood Pole Framing Details (2 of 3)03-21-12
Cable Placement and Wood Pole Framing Details (3 of 3)03-22-12
Cable Placement and Clearance Details03-22-12
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (AC Powered) Pole Assembly Detail05-10-16
Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (Solar Powered) Pole Assembly Detail03-21-12
Combination Bottle Neck Type Luminaire Pole and Rapid Flash Beacon01-08-19
Street Lighting Cobra-Head Pole Details06-17-15
Street Lighting Twin Ornamental Pole Details04-01-15
Street Lighting Single Ornamental Pole04-01-15
Street Lighting Bottle Neck Type Luminaire Pole11-02-12
Street Lighting Photoelectric Control Ornamental Pole Details04-01-15
South Auditorium Post Top Style Light Pole Details09-11-12
South Auditorium Street Light Pole & Luminaire Details09-11-12
South Waterfront Type "A" Street Light Pole Details10-02-12
South Waterfront Type "B" & "C" Street Light Pole Details07-17-15
Street Lighting Standard Street Light Standard Pole Footing01-08-19
Street Lighting Type "A" Basement Street Light Pole Footing05-10-12
Street Lighting Type "B" Basement Pole Footing05-10-12
Street Lighting Special Light Pole Footing with Pillar05-10-12
Street Lighting Special Light Pole Spread Footing For Ornamental Poles05-10-12
Street Lighting South Waterfront Street Light Cast In Place Pole Footing05-10-12
Street Lighting Small Wireless Facilities Details10-25-19
Street Lighting Small Wireless Facilities General Notes and Reactions10-25-19
Street Lighting Small Wireless Facilities Foundation Details10-25-19
Street Lighting Pole-Mounted Panel Details03-22-12
Street Lighting Service Cabinet Details03-22-12
Street Lighting Pole Wiring Diagrams03-15-12
Street Lighting Control Unit Pole Wiring Diagrams03-06-12
Street Lighting Control Unit Installation10-24-12

P-700 through P-935 Water Valves, Hydrants and Assemblies

DrawingDescriptionEffective Date
Fire Hydrant Assembly02-20-13
2" Blow-off Assembly04-06-09
1" Manual Air Release Assembly04-06-09
Temporary Test/Sampling Point Assemblies04-06-09
General Corrosion Control Details12-16-09
Joint Bonds12-16-09
Dielectric Isolation Joints12-17-09
Test Stations12-17-09
Sleeved and Cased Pipe12-17-09
Dielectric Isolation Between Butterfly Valve and MCSP04-08-15
1" Service Assembly04-06-09
Concrete Thrust Collar DI Pipe11-02-17
Concrete Thrust Collar Sequencing Plan11-02-17
Valve Box & Cover (CIV) Assembly04-06-09
Valve Operator Extension Assembly04-06-09
Typical Street Trench Section04-09-09
Sampling Station07-15-10
Sampling Station Tapped Off Service03-17-15
Tree Planting Clearance Water Facility Pipe < 24-Inch Diameter03-28-16
Tree Planting Clearance Water Facility Pipe > 24-Inch Diameter03-28-16
General Vault Details08-17-15
Vault Ballast Fin08-17-15
3" Compound Meter with 2" Bypass in 575 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
3" Compound Meter with 2" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
4" Compound Meter with 2" Bypass in 575 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
4" Compound Meter with 2" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
6" Compound Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
8" Compound Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
4" Combination Meter with 4" Bypass in 687 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
6" Combination Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
6" Combination Meter with 6" Bypass in 810 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
8" Combination Meter with 8" Bypass in 816 Vault (in Street)08-17-15
8" Combination Meter with 8" Bypass in 816 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
10" Combination Meter with 10" Bypass in 816 Vault (in Sidewalk)08-17-15
Valve Box And Cover (CIV)02-02-10
Extension For Valve Box02-02-10
12" x 14" CI Frame & Cover02-02-10
14" x 20" CI Frame & Cover02-02-10
Wood Boxes (#5, #6 & #8)06-10-22
Wood Forms (#4, #5, #8 & #9)06-10-22

Overview of Standard Details, Drawings, and Reports


The purpose of City of Portland Standard Drawings and City of Portland Standard Details is to provide information as a convenience to those who access them.  These Drawings and Details are also intended to communicate design standards and practices to the Design Engineer.

What are Standard Drawings?

Standard Drawings are stamped by a City of Portland Engineer of Record and are backed by engineering analysis, calculations, and/or other justifications to support them. Standard Drawings are available for use on public work projects, but cannot be modified by designers on a project-by-project basis. It is the responsibility of the project professional of record that Standard Drawings are used as originally intended. Standard Drawings are compliant with City of Portland Standard Specifications.

What are Standard Drawing Reports?

Standard Drawing Reports are additional data for a designer to use. This gives background and assumptions used in the development of the Standard Drawing. This report date is shown on the Standard Drawing.

What are Standard Details?

Standard Details are tools used to quickly add detail to a specific project. Generally, these fit into two scenarios: 1.) a template that needs project specific data added, or 2.) a new design style that is being tried.  Standard Details may require modification by the project professional of record. Standard Details are intended to be the responsibility of the project professional and as such incorporated into the project plans.


Do you have a question about the City's standard drawings? Fill out the form at the following link: 

Engineering Services Standards Inquiry Form

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