Services, Guides, and Information

28 services and resources found
Information and resources for Portland Bureau of Transportation's (PBOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) technical assistance. FAQs on ADA curb ramp scoping, design and construction criteria, as well as helpful resources and presentations.
Nonprofits may apply to Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) to hang banners on city owned streetlight poles to promote special events that are open to the public, non-political, and have a direct civic benefit. Certain conditions apply.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) manages transportation assets worth $21 billion. Our transportation system moves people, goods, freight, and emergency vehicles through the city. Our policy statement, reporting, risk assessment, and asset list illustrated in one chart.
Capital project delivery processes, checklists, forms, documents, and standards from the Engineering Services team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Includes most recent design guidelines such as PBOT Traffic Design Manual (Permanent Traffic Control) and other updates.
Specifications including standard specifications, PBOT and BES special provisions, construction specs, standard bid items, unique special provisions, boiler plates, general conditions, and Portland Fire & Rescue access and water supply standards
Every intersection, and certain midblock locations, are legal crosswalks in Oregon (ORS 801.220). Crosswalks vary in their design; some are unmarked, while others have stop lines, median islands, rapid flashing beacons or other elements that can improve safety.
Engineering Directives from the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer
Land Survey section within the Engineering Services group of the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Support the design and construction of Capitol Improvement and various programmatic projects for PBOT, Environmental Services and other city bureaus.
When installed as part of a toolkit of street design elements, medians can improve safety and support nearby businesses.
Call Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) 24/7 maintenance dispatch to report any problems with school zone flashing beacons.
Report a streetlight outage, a light going on and off (cycling), a streetlight that's on during the day, vandalism, or any other problem with a streetlight. The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) relies on reports like yours to fix issues with our 55,000 streetlights.
Call Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) 24/7 maintenance dispatch to report problems with traffic signals, including physical damage, burnt out signal heads, problems detecting cars or bikes in the intersection, or any other immediate risks.
Information from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) on how to submit requests for review of non-urgent safety concerns related to pedestrians, people biking or taking transit, speeding drivers, speed limits, traffic safety around schools, visibility, signage, and signal timing.
Online form to request curb ramps for better access to a residence, school, or other public facilities. Ramps by Request team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) takes up to 100 requests per calendar year, in the order they come in. After request, ramps take about 9 months to complete.
Request new streetlights from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Our Signals and Street Lighting team processes requests and puts them on a waitlist. As funding becomes available, these are prioritized based on numerous factors. PBOT doesn't have adequate funding to approve all requests.
Accessible pedestrian signals (APS) alert pedestrians to WALK or DON’T WALK intervals in non-visual ways such as audible tones, speech messages, and vibration. Locations must meet certain criteria. Installations by Signals and Street Lighting team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
Information and resource for PBOT Signals and Street Lighting
City of Portland Standard Drawings and Standard Details. Provided by Engineering Services in the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).

Stop Sign Overview

The Portland Bureau of Transportation oversees the placement and installation of stop signs to provide for the safe, sustainable and efficient movement of people and goods. Safety is the primary factor of consideration in stop sign placement.

Streetlight shield
