Emergency shelters open tonight

The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Thursday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

ADA Technical Resources - Design, Construction, Reporting

double ADA corner ramp single landing
Information and resources for Portland Bureau of Transportation's (PBOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) technical assistance. FAQs on ADA curb ramp scoping, design and construction criteria, as well as helpful resources and presentations.
On this page

This page provides technical guidance for ADA compliance within public rights-of-way. For more general information on Portland's resources for ADA Title II and disability equity, go to the Office of Equity & Human Rights' ADA Resources page here.

ADA curb ramp program refresher

Request a curb ramp

Information, criteria, and our online request form available here:

Request a curb ramp

Frequently used forms

PBOT ADA Program - Annual reports

Click here to access PBOT ADA Program Annual Reports.

Curb ramp design and construction criteria

City Engineer directives

Curb ramp scoping

The ADA requires that when a project constructs a new pedestrian facility (e.g. a new sidewalk or ped-push button), resurfaces a portion of the street, or performs other alterations, the project must provide ADA Compliant curb ramps along the route as part of the project. 

The form below is retired. Please use the Inspection Form for Scoping Assessments.

PBOT/ODOT letters of intent to coordinate designs, reviews, and pavement requirements for ramps constructed along ODOT highways


What is CREEC and what is the ADA Ramps Crew?

  • CREEC stands for the Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center. The city worked with CREEC and Linda Dardarian (Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho) to obtain a Settlement Agreement for constructing or remediating 1,500 curb ramps per year over a period of twelve years (2019-2030), along with other ADA efforts, to make Portland a more accessible city. The ADA Ramps Crew (formerly known as the CREEC Squad) is the group within PBOT that verifies that each ramp constructed or remediated meets requirements.

My project was scoped and funded years ago and did not include ADA curb ramp upgrades.  Are there opportunities for additional funding and design support?

  • The ADA requires that curb ramps be constructed and upgraded as part of the public improvement project (or paving effort). For older projects that were not scoped to meet ADA requirements, the ADA Ramps Crew is available to provide guidance to ensure that the project is ADA compliant to the maximum extent feasible within the scope of the project and, in some cases, may be able to provide additional funding for adding more ADA ramps to the project. For more information contact the PBOT ADA Ramps Crew at:  adaramps@portlandoregon.gov

Can the ADA Ramps Crew design a curb ramp for me, or assess the scope, and/or inspect a city project? 

How can I request a curb ramp?

Can I contact ADA Technical Advisory Committee members for assistance?

Yes. Find appropriate contact below:

What if a ramp does not entirely reside in the legal crosswalk?

For a ramp with a ramp throat at the street that does not entirely reside within a legal crosswalk (marked or unmarked), approval by an ADA Technical Advisor is required. This element of the ramp must be noted on the ADA Curb Ramp Design Form (Item II. C) and the form signed by an ADA Technical Advisor. Additionally, if the ramp is located more than 20 feet from the curb face/edge of travel lane of the parallel street, written support from the Traffic Engineer must be attached or otherwise incorporated into the Ramp Design Form.

What are ADA variances and maximum extents possible (MEFs) and how are they used?

Variances and maximum extents possible (MEFs) are the approvals needed when a proposed design does not meet all the criteria given in the Curb Ramp Design Report. Open the link below for a full explanation describing when a Variance is needed and when a MEF is needed and how to get them. If you have any questions, just ask a PBOT ADA Technical Advisor. 

Other references

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