10-15 minutes to fill out the online form; ~90 days for a determination; if approved, installation timing may vary
General information
The Signals & Street Lighting team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) ensures that people with disabilities and those advocating on their behalf can request accessible pedestrian systems or signals (APS), also known as audible push-buttons. These devices alert pedestrians to the WALK or DON’T WALK intervals in non-visual ways. This includes audible tones, speech messages, and/or vibrating surfaces.
How requests work
Need an accessible pedestrian signal nearby or on the way to places you live, work, or frequent? Start by filling out our form linked below. PBOT staff review these requests on a case-by-case basis. PBOT staff and/or mobility specialists from the Oregon Commission for the Blind then consult with the requester to understand their particular needs.
Currently PBOT can install these only at intersections with traffic signals. They will also evaluate the site for safety issues, noise level, physical constraints, and the level of neighborhood acceptance.
Fill out our form
Be prepared to include as much detail about where the accessible pedestrian signal should go, additional information we should know about the location, and your contact information (optional, but include it if you would like us to consult with you). Be as specific as possible. For example: "I am trying to cross the south side of SE Main Street at 10th Avenue to get from my home to bus line #123."
Accessible pedestrian signal (APS) request form
If you provide your contact information, PBOT will let you know a determination within 90 days. This includes whether the installation is feasible, how your request measures against other priority locations, an expected timeline, as well as what may already be planned for the intersection in the coming years.
Regardless of whether you make a request anonymously, PBOT staff will duly consider all locations.