This page contains commonly referenced City code and administrative rules related to PBOT development and permitting processes. Chapters refer to city code and TRN refers to transportation administrative rules.
On this page
City code and administrative rules related to PBOT development and permitting processes. Chapters refer to city code and TRN refers to transportation administrative rules.
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Managing Access to the Right-of-Way
Chapter 17.24 - Permits
- Permitting and managing access to the public right-of-way
Chapter 17.28.110 - Driveways - Permits and Conditions
- Code authority for driveway permitting and driveway design exceptions
TRN-8.14 - Right-of-Way Compliance Program
- Criteria for assessing violations and penalties
- Process for appealing enforcement actions and associated penalties
TRN-9.07 - Public Works Permitting Administrative Rules
- Decision-making, processing, and fee requirements for review and approval of certain public works permits
TRN 10.40 - Driveways- Operation and Location
- Standards for location, width, and slope of driveways
- Sight distance requirements.
Developing Your Property
Chapter 17.15 - Transportation System Development Charge
- Application for new development, institutional development, and port development
- Exemptions and discounts
- SDC credits, credit transfers, and reimbursements
Chapter 17.82 - Land Divisions
- Streets and alleys
- Partial width streets
- Driveway access plans
- Temporary turnarounds
- Improvements in land divisions
Chapter 17.88 - Street Access
- Conditions for building and permit actions
- Requirements for a transportation impact study
- Through street (connectivity) requirements [1]
- Dedications prior to permit approval
- Local Transportation Infrastructure Charge required
[1]: Also see Title 33.654.110 “Land Divisions” and Title 33.130.292.B “Commercial/Mixed Use Zones”
Chapter 17.107 - Transportation and Parking Demand Management
- Required elements of a TDM plan
- Requirements and procedures
- Pre-approved multimodal incentives for residential and mixed-use development
- Required reporting
Chapter 33.266 - Parking, Loading, And Transportation And Parking Demand Management
- Standards for the amount, location, and development of motor vehicle parking
- Standards for bicycle parking
- Standards for on-site loading areas
- Requirements for transportation demand management plans
Chapter 33.852 - Transportation Impact Review
- Mechanism to evaluate whether the multimodal transportation system is capable of supporting proposed development
- Consideration of proportional mitigation measures
TRN 1.26 - Local Transportation Infrastructure Charge
- The Local Transportation Infrastructure Charge (LTIC) is a charge paid by an applicant for certain building permits for projects in single dwelling zones that will create or add units for a total maximum of six units per lot or for approval to create a final partition plat to create three or fewer lots. The LTIC is only charged on property that has frontage on a unimproved street.
- PCC 17.88.010 defines an unimproved street as "any local street without a curb other than a local street that has been formally accepted by the Bureau of Transportation as having been fully built to an adopted Residential Shared or Residential Separated City street standard that does not require a curb."
TRN 1.30 - Thresholds for Frontage Improvement and Dedication Requirements
- Defines thresholds to determine when frontage improvements or right-of-way dedication are required
- Applicability and exemptions
TRN-9.01 - Transportation Demand Management (TDM) in Campus Institutional Zones
- Applicability and procedures for TDM in Campus Institutional Zones
TRN-9.02 - Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans in Commercial/ Mixed-Use Zones
- Applicability, program options, and general requirements
- Pre-approved TDM plan process
- Custom TDM plan process
TRN-9.06 - Transportation System Development Charges Administrative Procedures Guide
- Procedures for implementing transportation system development charges
TRN-10.27 - Traffic Capacity Analysis for Land Use Review Cases
- Standards for traffic impact studies required in land use review or development
TRN-10.42 - Access Requirements for Parking Structures
- Standards for access to parking structures that have no setback from the property line, and that access a Central City street or any arterial street
Improvement Design
Chapter 17.28 - Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways
- Sidewalks defined
- Curb and intersection curb ramps
- Driveways
- Permits and conditions
Chapter 17.42 - Property Owner Responsibility for Streets
- Streets are constructed and maintained at the expense of abutting property owners until street improvements are constructed to the applicable standards of, and accepted for maintenance by, the City
TRN 1.05 - Street Grades
- Establishes maximum street grades
TRN 1.09 - Design Standards for Public Streets
- Local standards used for street elements (streets, sidewalks, and bikeways) and right-of-way widths
TRN 1.092 - Portland Pedestrian Design Guide
- Establishes the baseline requirements for the design and provision of pedestrian facilities in Portland
TRN-1.22 - Infill Development on Streets with an Existing Sidewalk Corridor
- Conditions under which the existing sidewalk configuration will be accepted rather than the standard requirement
TRN 1.28 - Curb Extensions for Buildings and Planning Actions
- Clarifies under what conditions curb extensions will be required in relation to corner reconstruction.
TRN 1.29 - Sidewalk Corridor Widths within Historic Overlay Zones
- Exceptions to Table B-3 (Required sidewalk corridor widths by Street Design Classification) in the Portland Pedestrian Design Guide for Historic Overlay Zones
TRN-10.17 - Sidewalk and Driveway Permits (including Asphalt Approaches)
- Sidewalk and driveway permits
- Furnishing zone requirements
TRN 10.40 - Driveways - Operation and Location
- Standards for driveways including operation, location, and width
Chapter 17.56 - Public Utilities
- Required plans and specifications of proposed construction work to obtain a utility permit
- Relocation and discontinuation of facilities
Chapter 17.60 - Underground Wiring Districts
- Underground wiring districts in which overhead wires are prohibited
TRN-8.13 - Utility Vault or Structure for the Benefit of the Adjacent Property Owner Review Approval Process
- Review approval process for the space needed in the public right of way to place a utility vault or structure that would have normally been placed on private property
TRN-10.19 - Utility Permits in the Right-of-Way
- Requirements for obtaining utility permits (aka ‘Street Opening Permits’)
- For placement of underground structures, utility vaults or structures for adjacent property benefit, above ground structures, utility pole placement permits, etc.
TRN-10.44 - Vertical Infrastructure in the Public Right of Way
- Interim administrative rule for deployment of small cell wireless communication facilities
Design Exceptions
Exception - PBOT Design Exception Process
- Instructions for requesting an exception to a design standard, guideline, or policy that will not be met (i.e. AASHTO, FHWA, Portland Pedestrian and Street Improvement Design Guides, MUTCD)
Chapter 17.06.050 - Appeals
- Appealing a condition of approval that requires the alteration, repair, or construction of a facility in the public right of way, including but not limited to pavement, sidewalk areas, stormwater facilities, or utilities
TRN-1.27 - Public Works Alternate Review Committee
- Rules that apply to any person wishing to propose alternatives to frontage requirements imposed by PBOT
TRN-9.07 - Public Works Permitting Administrative Rules / Administrative Review
- Public works permit appeals process
Right-of-Way Use
Chapter 17.84 - Street Vacations
- Criteria and procedures for vacating streets
TRN-8.01 - Major Encroachments in the Public Right-of-Way
- Review of major private and public structures (e.g., skystructures, tunnels, arcades) in the public right-of-way
TRN-8.08 - Encroachments in the Public Right-of-Way
- Revocable permits for encroachments (e.g., fences, stairs, vault openings, signs) in the public right-of-way
TRN-8.11 - Right of Way Leasing: Fee Structure
- Leasing real property and public right-of-way (air space, subsurface and surface leases)
Temporary Street Closures
Chapter 16.20 - Public Right-of-Way Parking
- Regulation of parking on City of Portland owned or operated property
Chapter 17.23 - Special Traffic Control District
- Permit requirements and traffic standards that apply to the Special Traffic Control District downtown
TRN-2.08 - Traffic Control Plan Rules & Procedures
- Procedures for requiring a traffic control plan as a condition of any permit involving impeding or obstructing a travel lane
TRN-8.12 - Safe Accommodation for Pedestrians and Cyclists In and Around Work Zones
- Guidelines for providing space for cyclists and pedestrians through work zones
TRN-10.03 - Parking, Lane, Sidewalk and Street Closure Permits
- Permits for temporary use of the public right-of-way through the Temporary Street Use Permitting (TSUP) Program
Community Street Use
Chapter 7.22 - Street and Sidewalk Use Permits
- Regulation of special events (walks, marches, parades, athletic events or other processions in streets or on sidewalks)
TRN-1.01 - Street and Sidewalk Use Administrative Regulations
- Administrative regulations for issuance of permits and assessment of fees for walks, marches, parades, athletic events or other processions in streets or on sidewalks
TRN-10.06 - Portland in the Streets Program Administrative Rules
- Block Parties, Community Events, Pedestrian Plazas, Spaces to Places, Street Paintings, Street Prototyping
City of Portland Standard Drawings
- The City of Portland Standard Construction Specifications apply to all public improvements and work in the City rights-of-way.