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Bike to Books Digital Design Contest

Bike to Books installation
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and Multnomah County Library invite students from Pre-K to 12th grade to design bike lane art for the 2022 “Bike to Books” digital design contest, part of May Bike Month. First-place designs are installed on Portland streets by PBOT striping crews.
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2022 Bike to Books Design Contest 

The 2022 Bike to Books Design Contest is over. Look for new bike lane art from the 2022 contest on a bike lane near you! We'll see you in May 2023 for a new round of artsy competition!

Congratulations to our winners!


Winner: Pre-K to 2nd Grade – “Reading Octopus” by Anita Baldivieso, Sellwood Library.

Check out the Reading Octopus book recommendations!

Octopus   Winning Bike to Books design for the Pre-K to 2nd grade group is an illustration of an octopus reading a book with a stack of books and a fishbowl on its head. The design by Anita Baldivieso is titled Reading Octopus and will be installed near the Sellwood Library.
The Pre-K to 2nd grade group winner is the Reading Octopus by Anita Baldivieso and will be installed near the Sellwood Library.

Winning Bike to Books design for the Pre-K to 2nd grade group is an illustration of an octopus reading a book with a stack of books and a fishbowl on its head. The design by Anita Baldivieso is titled Reading Octopus and will be installed near the Sellwood Library.

The inspiration of the Pre-K to 2nd grade Bike to Books design winner is “Day dreaming...”
The inspiration of the Pre-K to 2nd grade Bike to Books design winner is “Day dreaming...”

The inspiration of the Pre-K to 2nd grade Bike to Books design winner is “Day dreaming...”

Winner: 3rd to 6th Grade – “Mushrooms and Why They Matter” by Poppy Davis, Hollywood Library.

Check out the Mushrooms and Why They Matter book recommendations!

Winning Bike to Books design for the 3rd to 6th grade is a yellow and pink bike in front of a rainbow with different size and colored mushrooms floating around it, titled Mushrooms and Why They Matter by Poppy Davis.
Winning Bike to Books design for the 3rd to 6th grade is a yellow and pink bike in front of a rainbow with different size and colored mushrooms floating around it, titled Mushrooms and Why They Matter by Poppy Davis.

Winning Bike to Books design for the 3rd to 6th grade is a yellow and pink bike in front of a rainbow with different size and colored mushrooms floating around it, titled Mushrooms and Why They Matter by Poppy Davis.

Inspiration for the Mushrooms and Why They Matter winning Bike to Books arts is "I watched a Netflix documentary and though it was incredible."
Inspiration for the Mushrooms and Why They Matter winning Bike to Books arts is "I watched a Netflix documentary and though it was incredible."

Inspiration for the Mushrooms and Why They Matter winning Bike to Books arts is "I watched a Netflix documentary and though it was incredible."

 Winner: 7th to 12th Grade – “Petals of a Rose Bike” by Liliana Jacobsen, Holgate Library.

Check out the Petals of a Rose Bike book recommendations!

Winning Bike to Book design for the 7-12th grade category is a yellow bike with red roses for wheels. Vines clime up towards the seat and handlebars connecting to smaller roses. The title is Petals of a Rose Bike designed by Liliana Jacobsen.
Winning Bike to Book design for the 7-12th grade category is a yellow bike with red roses for wheels. Vines clime up towards the seat and handlebars connecting to smaller roses. The title is Petals of a Rose Bike designed by Liliana Jacobsen.

Winning Bike to Book design for the 7-12th grade category is a yellow bike with red roses for wheels. Vines clime up towards the seat and handlebars connecting to smaller roses. The title is Petals of a Rose Bike designed by Liliana Jacobsen.

Inspiration for the Petals of a Rose Bike Bike to Books winning design was "Portland's nickname: Rose City."
Inspiration for the Petals of a Rose Bike Bike to Books winning design was "Portland's nickname: Rose City."

Inspiration for the Petals of a Rose Bike Bike to Books winning design was "Portland's nickname: Rose City."

PBOT's Bike to Books design contest 2019


GRAND PRIZE: Bike lane art design installed by PBOT striping crews on Portland streets.* There will be one grand prize from each of three grade categories: Pre-K to 2nd; 3rd - 6th; and 7th - 12th.

Second and third place runners up will receive a certificate signed by city leadership and showcased on our channels.

*Location, timing and final rendition of the winning designs will be determined by PBOT staff. Some artistic license may be used to ensure the designs work with the materials we use and how it's installed.

Contest dates

  • Contest runs from May 1 - June 1, 2022
  • Entries must be received no later than Wednesday, June 1, 2022
  • By submitting a design, you promise that the artwork you submitted: is your original creation; has not been copied in whole or in part from any other work; does not say bad or false things about other people; and has never been previously published or submitted to any other competition.
  • PBOT and Multnomah County Library will attempt to notify the parents/guardians of winners using the information provided in the entry form by August 2, 2022.

Contest entry form

Entry forms are available for download to print at home. 

How to enter

This year you can submit your entry form online or drop it off at your local Multnomah County Library.

To submit online:

  • Once your design is complete, scan or take a photo of both sides of your form.
  • Email photos of BOTH SIDES of your completed entry form to We accept .jpgs, .pngs, .pdfs.
  • Make sure your image is clear and a higher resolution if possible.
  • Make sure you keep your original copy.

To drop off your entry:

  • Visit your local Multnomah County Library.
  • For library locations and hours, visit or call us at 503.988.5123. 

Common colors we have available 

These are the most common colors used on our streets: black, white, yellow, blue, green, red, orange, purple, light blue, grey, and pink.

Contest rules

  • Entry must be the original artwork of children in the following grade brackets: Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade, 3rd through 6th grade, and 7th through 12th grade. Multiple entries are welcome.
  • The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will contact winners by phone or email on or around August 1, 2022, and post winning entries to the bureau website and social media.
  • By submitting artwork, the Parent/Guardian consents to use of the child’s name, artwork, and/or quote on materials that promote PBOT programs and activities. If you would prefer your child’s name not be used, please initial on the form.
  • There are no monetary prizes associated with winning this contest or for the use of artwork or quotes on PBOT materials.
  • Entries must be received no later than Wednesday, June 1, 2022. 
  • By submitting a design, you promise that the artwork you submitted: is your original creation; has not been copied in whole or in part from any other work; does not say bad or false things about other people; and has never been previously published or submitted to any other competition.
  • Decisions of the judges are final and binding. PBOT and Multnomah County Library will attempt to notify the parents/guardians of winners using the information provided in the entry form on or around August 1, 2022. If a winner’s parent or guardian cannot be contacted or does not respond within 48 hours of the first contact attempt, if a winner does not fulfill the eligibility requirements, if a winner does not adhere to the Official Rules, or if the prize notification is returned as undeliverable, that winner will be disqualified and contest organizers may select a new potential winner by the same criteria set forth above.
  • The City of Portland complies with all non‐discrimination, Civil Rights laws including Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II. To request translation, interpretation, accommodation, modifications, or additional info please contact PBOT at 311 (503-823-4000) for Oregon Relay Service and TTY: 711. 

2021 Winners

(October 12, 2021) 

What do dragons, goats, and donuts have in common? According to the creative minds of Portland youth - bikes! The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and Multnomah County Library are pleased to announce the winners of the annual Bike to Books Design Contest. Now in its fifth year, the contest asks Multnomah County youth to design original art for Portland bike lanes. The 2021 Bike to Books Design Contest received over 360 unique designs from young artists across the city.  

The program celebrates National Bike Month in May, inviting Multnomah County students to design art for local bike lanes. Three winners were selected from each of the three age categories: Pre-K to 2nd grade, 3rd to 6th grade, and 7th to 12th grade. Grand prize winners will have their art installed on Portland bike lanes and along low-traffic streets known as neighborhood greenways. PBOT’s street striping crews do all the installations. Learn more about how the street art is installed using thermoplastic and propane torches in this video.

Second place winners received a 5-day pass to Lumberyard Indoor Bike Park that includes admissions and gear rental, while third place winners received a helmet from Nutcase Helmets. Honorable Mention winners will receive a Safe Routes to School goodie bag. All finalists will receive a certificate and a metal sign of their design from PBOT and Multnomah County Library. 

PBOT and Multnomah County Library staff reviewed and voted on all the entries.

PBOT Bike to Books 2021 Flickr Album

Here are the winning designs coming to a bike lane near you:

2nd place Bike to Books update
Third place Bike to Books winners for 2021

2020 Winners

(Oct. 29, 2020) The Portland Bureau of Transportation's (PBOT) annual Bike to Books Design Contest looked a little bit different this year as a result of the Covid-19 public health crisis. Now in its fourth year, the contest asks children to design original art for Portland bike lanes. Rather than submitting their designs in person at their local Multnomah County Library branch, families submitted their designs via email. Even with this change, the 2020 Bike to Books Design Contest received over 100 unique designs from schoolchildren across the city.  

The program celebrates National Bike Month in May, inviting Multnomah County students to design art for local bike lanes. Three winners were selected from each of the three age categories: Pre-K to 2nd grade, 3rd to 6th grade, and 7th to 12th grade. Grand prize winners will have their art installed on Portland bike lanes and along low-traffic streets known as neighborhood greenways. PBOT’s street striping crews do all the installations. Learn more about how the street art is installed using thermoplastic and propane torches in this video.

Second place winners received a pack of four day passes to Lumberyard Indoor Bike Park that included admissions and gear rental, while third place winners received a helmet from Nutcase Helmets. Honorable Mention winners received a Safe Routes to School goodie bag. All finalists received a certificate and a metal sign from PBOT and Multnomah County Library. 

PBOT and Multnomah County Library staff reviewed and voted on all the entries.  

PBOT Bike to Books 2020 Flickr Album

Here are the winning designs coming to a bike lane near you:

First Place winners include a strawberry on a bicycle and a rainbow trout
2nd place winners include a smiling sun and a mouse with books
3rd place winners include a rose and a dog on a bike

Thanks to everyone who participated in Bike Month 2020! We look forward to seeing what's in store for 2021!

2019 Winners

PBOT Bike to Books 2019 Flickr Album

Bike to Books 2019 Winners
Bike to Books 2019 Winners

2018 Winners

 PBOT Bike to Books 2018 Flickr Album

2018 Bike to Books winners 1st
2018 Bike to Books winners 2nd
2018 Bike to Books winners 3rd

2017 Winners

 PBOT Bike to Books 2017 Flickr Album

2017 Bike to Books 1st prek
2017 Bike to Books 1st 3-5
2017 Bike to Books 1st 6-8
2017 Bike to Books 1st 12

Bike to Books partners
Bike to Books partners
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