Salary Commission Overview

Three people sitting around a conference room table, reviewing documents while laughing.
Five human resource professionals will evaluate and establish salaries for the newly elected representatives taking office on Jan. 1, 2025, including the mayor, auditor, and 12 districted city councilors.


A Salary Commission was appointed at the March 8 City council meeting to determine the compensation for Portland’s mayor and city councilors in the new system. The Salary Commission will be composed of qualified human resource professionals with compensation experience.  

Roles and Responsibilities

The mayor appoints members of the first Salary Commission, subject to city council confirmation. Thereafter, the city administrator appoints members of the Salary Commission, also subject to council confirmation. The commission consists of five (5) Portland residents who are qualified human resource professionals with compensation experience who represent a diversity of race, gender, age and geography. Elected or appointed City officials and employees, as well as candidates for elected city offices who have filed and been qualified to the ballot by the City of Portland Elections Office, may not serve on the commission.

The first commission must be confirmed by March 15, 2023, and complete its work by Aug.1, 2023. Thereafter, the commission must be confirmed by January 1 of each odd year. The commission sets the salaries for councilors, the mayor and the auditor by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) commissioners, documenting the basis of its decision. Adjusted salaries take effect on July 1 of each odd year, except for the first commission’s adjusted salaries which take effect Jan. 1, 2025.


a timeline of upcoming meetings for the Salary Commission


For questions, please email or call 3-1-1.