Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Facility Upgrades and Renovations 

A render of City Hall chambers with an expanded dais and space for community members to testify. The point of view is from someone sitting in the chamber's seating area.
To prepare for the 12-member council taking office in Jan. 2025, the City’s Facilities team is developing a comprehensive plan to build safe, welcoming, and accessible workspaces. Currently, City Hall is under construction with Council chambers and offices slated to re-open Dec. 2024.

Plans to Upgrade City Council Chambers and Council Offices 

Today’s council chambers and offices are built for the current size and roles of council. To prepare for the 12-member council taking office in Jan. 2025, the City’s Facilities Services team is developing a comprehensive plan to build safe, welcoming, and accessible workspaces.  

In April 2023, council authorized the budget and a procurement method called Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC), which awards an alternative construction delivery method. This will allow the City to be nimble and develop a plan for a city council chambers that is large enough to accommodate the expanded city council and workspaces for the council, their staff, the mayor, and the city administrator.

In Jan. 2024, council began holding council meetings at the City’s Development Services Building located at 1900 SW 4th Ave., Room 2500.

Construction timeline and next steps

Early March 2024

Finalize details in construction contract

Mid-March 2024

Erect construction barriers and mobilize site

April 2024

Renovations of council chambers commenced

June 2024

Demolition of existing chambers completed

June 21, 2024

Mayor Wheeler moves out of City Hall offices

June 28, 2024

Commissioners Mapps and Rubio move out of City Hall offices

July 12, 2024

Commissioners Gonzalez and Ryan move out of City Hall offices

July 2024

Council office renovations begin on 2nd and 3rd floors

December 2024

Council chambers and offices anticipated to be complete

Where will elected officials be located during the renovation?

Renovation of council chambers began in April and renovations for council offices on the second and third floor will begin this summer. Here is where you can find the offices of the current Portland mayor and commissioners while construction at City Hall continues. For more information or help finding a commissioner, call 311 or 503-823-4000.




Mayor Ted Wheeler

June 21-24

Portland Building

Commissioner Rene Gonzalez

July 12-15

Portland Building

Commissioner Mingus Mapps

June 28 – July 1

1900 Building

Commissioner Carmen Rubio

June 28 – July 1

1900 Building

Commissioner Dan Ryan

July 12-15

Portland Building

Council Chamber Changes

  • Upgrade layout to allow for the expanded number of councilors. 
  • Install broadcasting and audiovisual technology to adequately support in-person and hybrid meetings of an expanded council. 
  • Provide ADA accessibility.
  • Enhance security.

  • Work with the Bureau of Technology Services to support livestreaming and ensure council meetings can always be hybrid, with in-person and virtual options.

Renderings of these changes  

A render of City Hall chambers with an expanded dais and space for community members to testify.
A rendering of the future council chamber but from the perspective of a council member. They are looking over to presenters and community members' seating areas.
September 2023: These are design development renderings of the council chamber changes – to make room for all 12 councilors, increased testimonial seating and more integral Council Clerk, Attorney, City Administrator and/or Mayor seating.

Council office changes

  • Reconfigure council offices to serve 12 council members and support staff. 
  • Upgrade council offices to provide safety, technology, accessibility, and furniture improvements.
  • Improve security for elected officials and staff.

Learn more about project by watching a presentation the Facilities Services team gave the Government Transition Advisory Committee on Sept. 6, 2023.

Their section starts at 1:11:03 and goes until 1:55:29. 


City of Portland Transition Team

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