Summer of Civic Engagement: Get Involved with Portland's Government Transition

A teal flyer with a yellow circle and a sun with sunglasses on with the words: It's the summer of civic engagement! Get engaged with the transition.
Portlanders, June 25 is your first opportunity this summer to join the Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) and Transition Team to discuss their draft recommendations to our future city leaders.
In this article

Stay updated on the latest engagement opportunities at Portland.Gov/Transition/Engage

The 15 community members who serve on Government Transition Advisory Committee offer advice to Portland's city council, the chief administrative officer and the City of Portland's transition team on issues related to the development and implementation of the Transition Plan. As the main public engagement body for the transition, the advisory committee focuses on community education and engagement related to the charter amendments approved by the voters in the November 2022 election.  

This summer, they will be busy talking with Portlanders to get feedback on recommendations to our future city leaders, the hiring of the future city administrator as well as answering questions on ranked-choice voting.  We thank them for their service to Portland. 

Get Involved: Together, we can shape how our city government will work for all Portlanders.

Recommendations to future city leaders

The Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) invites you to review and provide feedback on our draft recommendations on community engagement with future City Council and how to improve community engagement in the City’s budget process. The recommendations, along with a short video introduction from GTAC, are available on the survey page at

Sign up for a listening session on Draft Recommendations to Future City Leaders:

Tell us what’s important for Portland’s first city administrator

Motus Recruiting is asking for your input on this important recruitment. Join a listening session and/or take the online survey available June 14 to August 16.

Get ready to rank your vote! 

This November, for the first time ever, Portlanders will rank their candidates and vote in their new geographic voting district to elect three city councilors per district, a mayor, and an auditor elected citywide using ranked-choice voting. Find your district by entering your address at Portland.Gov/Districts.

Stop by at our table to learn more about our services, programs, and pick up voter education materials or participate in a mock election this summer:

Event Schedule

Interested in attending an advisory committee meeting or seeing our tabling schedule? Go to Portland.Gov/Transition/Events to see our full events calendar. For voter education and candidate learning sessions, go to Portland.Gov/Vote/Events. You can also download a pdf calendar here.