Portland City Council approves revisions to code on council organization and procedures

A view of City Hall's Fourth Street entrance from Madison Street.
The voter-approved Charter amendments created the need to align the code language with the directives in the Charter amendments.

On September 20, after months of collaboration between the Transition team and City partners, Portland City Council approved revisions to City Code 3.02, Council Organization and Procedures. Watch the council session on YouTube.  

With these initial code revisions, the new 12-member, district-based legislative council will have the necessary formal guidelines to operate effectively starting in January 2025. These revisions will also provide helpful information about the changing roles of elected officials as interested candidates file to run for office. 

Transition team will consider additional recommendations.

For the rest of 2023 and 2024, the Transition team will work with City Partners to review and revise other code chapters to align with the amended City Charter. The Transition team will also consider additional recommendations to the 2025 council regarding council operations in coordination with the Government Transition Advisory Committee . These recommendations are intended to assist the new 2025 council in making choices about how they will work together, increase community engagement, and develop policies as a group. 

Beginning January 2025, the executive mayor and the 12-member legislative council will have new roles.

Future roles: Executive mayor 

  1. The mayor will manage city services with the help of a city administrator. 

  1. The mayor has executive and administrative power to execute the laws, and administer bureaus, employees, facilities, and ensure that city government is using appropriated funds effectively. 

  1. They have the power to adopt administrative rules.  

  1. They may introduce matters before the legislative council, with the same authority as a councilor, and vote in the case of a tie.  

Future roles: Legislative council 

  1. The 12-member legislative council will set policy.  

  1. Council will have the legislative power to make appropriations and raise revenue by approving or adjusting the city budget.  

  1. Council may convene public meetings, gather public input, debate and evaluate policy choices, and adopt laws or policies to reflect those choices. 

  1. Quasi-judicial power to apply laws and policies.  

Additional Reading