Please register for the listening session HERE.
The Government Transition Advisory Committee and City’s transition team will make recommendations to the 2025 City Council to help lay the groundwork for a collaborative and responsive council.
They are seeking community input to inform an initial draft of recommendations to be shared for public comment in June. Topics they are seeking feedback on include:
- Accessing city council members
- Staying informed about important topics
- Expectations and hopes for future city council members’ engagement in their district
- Considerations for future council meetings and council committees including how and when public input is received
All sessions offer the same content including an educational presentation followed by an hour of small group discussion. All sessions include interpretation in ASL and Spanish with additional languages upon request.
How your input will be used
Your input will inform the Government Transition Advisory Committee’s and the Transition Team’s recommendations to the current council regarding the 2024/2025 budget and the 2025 city council. Before recommendations are finalized, a draft will be available for public comment in June.
Meeting materials
Please note that a quorum of Government Transition Advisory Committee members may be present.
To help ensure that community members can observe these meetings, the City of Portland will provide ASL interpretation, closed captioning and Spanish interpretation. If there are other ways we can help you more fully participate in this process, please contact June Reyes,
Para ayudar a garantizar que los miembros de la comunidad puedan observar estas reuniones, la ciudad de Portland proporcionará interpretación en ASL, subtítulos en ingles e interpretación en español. Si hay otras maneras en que podemos ayudarle a participar más plenamente en este proceso, por favor, póngase en contacto con June Reyes,
Чтобы члены сообщества могли наблюдать за этими встречами, городские власти Портленда обеспечат устный перевод на английский язык, скрытые субтитры и испанский перевод. Если есть другие способы, с помощью которых мы можем помочь вам более полно участвовать в этом процессе, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Адамом Бриггсом на June Reyes,
Để giúp đảm bảo rằng các thành viên cộng đồng có thể quan sát các cuộc họp này, Thành Phố Portland sẽ cung cấp phiên dịch ASL, phụ đề chi tiết và phiên dịch tiếng Tây Ban Nha. Nếu có những cách khác mà chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn tham gia đầy đủ hơn vào quá trình này, vui lòng liên hệ với June Reyes,
為幫助確保社區成員能夠觀看這些會議, 波特蘭市將提供美國手語(ASL)翻譯、閉路字幕和西班牙語口譯。如果還有其他方法可以幫助您更充分地參與此過程, 請聯絡 June Reyes,
为帮助确保社区成员能够观看这些会议,波特兰市将提供美国手语(ASL)翻译、闭路字幕和西班牙语口译。如果还有其他方法可以帮助您更充分地参与此过程,请联系 June Reyes,