On August 21, 2023, the Independent District Commission unanimously adopted a District Plan. The District Plan includes a map and a description of the districts.
The commission summarized their community engagement efforts, public comment provided by Portlanders, and the rationale for their decisions in their final report.
District Map
View the map in more detail on DistrictR. To view neighborhood boundaries and the district numbers, click on the tab labeled "data layers" and check the boxes for the overlays you'd like to see.
Click on the image of the map to open a pdf with legal district descriptions.
Download the map and descriptions:
The district maps shapefiles and geodatabase are available for download on the City of Portland's Open Data website.
Find your District
Want to know in what district you live? Look up what address you live in on PortlandMaps.
Background Information
On June 1, 2023, the Independent District Commission released its Draft District Plan with three map options for community input. To view the Draft District Plan, maps released for public comment, and how community members engaged, please click here.