Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Draft District Plan

IDC Public Hearing Image with three sample maps
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Draft district plan now available!

The Independent District Commission released its Draft District Plan with three draft map options for community input. Please review the Commission's plan to learn more about the Commission's progress to date and review the draft map options and rationales.

Provide comments on draft maps

The Independent District Commission released a series of draft map options for community input. The District Commission invited community input by Saturday, July 22. Public input in any language was welcomed. There were several ways for community members to submit feedback, including:

The District Commission also hosted nine public hearings, were community members could share their thoughts. Missed the hearings? Watch the recording below!

After gathering community input throughout June and July, the IDC will reconvene in August 2023 to deliberate on input received and vote on the final district map plan.

Draft maps options

The Independent District Commission Draft District Plan maps are also available for viewing hereon GIS. Below are the three draft map options for community input.

Draft Map: Alder

The Alder map is built around preserving established neighborhood boundaries. This map divides the central city among three districts, using the Willamette River and I-84 as boundaries, to promote broad engagement with central city issues and economic opportunities and distribute significant assets and institutions among multiple districts. Neighborhoods in lower southeast share a district with demographically and socioeconomically similar communities on the west side of the river and are connected by the Sellwood and Ross Island bridges. 

Draft Map: Cedar

The Cedar map is built around prioritizing transit corridors. This map uses transit corridors such as NE Sandy, SE 12th Ave, 82nd, and MAX lines to prioritize the role of these arterial roadways in influencing the use of public space and notions of neighborhood on the eastern side of the city. Neighborhoods in the central eastside and inner southeast that are bordered by the Willamette to the west and major transit lines to the east (bus and MAX) share a district with neighborhoods on the west side of the river. 

Draft Map: Maple

The Maple map is built around keeping much of the central city together, as defined by the city’s Central City 2035 Plan, while preserving historic Albina and adding several inner eastside neighborhoods. The central city includes the city’s most densely populated and urbanized neighborhoods, where residential and commercial uses are tightly interwoven. Eastside neighborhoods with high percentages of renters (Central Eastside, Buckman, Kerns) share a district with westside renter-heavy neighborhoods (Goose Hollow, Old Town, University, South Waterfront) as well as other westside neighborhoods. 


City of Portland Transition Team

Sofia Alvarez-Castro

Project Manager

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