Voter and Candidate Education & Outreach Subcommittee

Two people talk by a farmer’s market stand.
The subcommittee is charged with reporting to and developing recommendations for consideration by the Government Transition Advisory Committee on voter and candidate education and outreach.

Voter and Candidate Education & Outreach Subcommittee's Charge

The Subcommittee is charged with reporting to and developing recommendations for the full Committee on voter and candidate education and outreach, specifically:  

  1. Advise on voter education strategy including co-developing existing channel strategy,  
  2. Advise on voter education budget,  
  3. Review, share and utilize educational materials related to election methods and form of government to support implementation of the outreach and education plan in a coordinated way across the City,  
  4. Review and advise on proposed changes to elections code and rules,  
  5. Recommend approaches for candidate training, and
  6. Report feedback from the public about ranked choice voting.  

Read the Committee Overview Document

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