Learn about Portland’s transition to a new form of government and elections system with a speaker from the Government Transition Advisory Committee 

2 people at community engagement table
Fifteen community organizations and schools welcomed committee members in November for educational presentations; new subcommittees are organizing the work ahead. 

Host a speaker  

If you are active in a community group or school, consider booking a member of the Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) or City transition staff to speak at your next in-person or virtual meeting.  GTAC members are prepared to give an overview of the transition covering topics such as ranked-choice voting, districts, and city organization.  

Request a presentation from a member of the committee. 

New subcommittees focus on voter education, districts and council operations 

The Government Transition Advisory Committee created two subcommittees: 1) Voter and Candidate Education and Outreach; and 2) Districts and Council Operations. 
Each subcommittee is charged with reporting to and developing recommendations for consideration by the Government Transition Advisory Committee on their respective areas of focus: 

 Voter and Candidate Education subcommittee  

  1. Advise on voter education strategy including co-developing existing channel strategy,   
  2. Advise on voter education budget,   
  3. Review, share and utilize educational materials related to election methods and form of government to support implementation of the outreach and education plan in a coordinated way across the City,   
  4. Review and advise on proposed changes to elections code and rules,   
  5. Recommend approaches for candidate training, and   
  6. Report feedback from the public about ranked choice voting.   

  Districts and Council Operations subcommittee  

  1. Future council and district operations 
    1. Council committee structure and procedure,    
    2. Recommendations for standing council committees, and   
    3. How public input is received in a council committee meeting.    
  2. Future council districts and offices including    
    1. Role of council districts and offices, inclusive of exploring expectations around district/office outreach to the community and constituent relations work. This advice and feedback will help inform future budget choices for funding council offices.   
  3. Onboarding of new council members   
    1. Recommended schedule of initial topics for work sessions.   

Background and resources 

The Government Transition Advisory Committee was appointed by the mayor and approved by city council in March 2023. The primary roles of the committee are to ensure implementation is effective and efficient, to serve as the main public engagement body for the transition, and to provide strategic advice to the City.