Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Services, Guides, and Information

20 services and resources found
Print garbage, recycling, and compost posters for your business. Or order printed posters or stickers.
Learn how to set up or improve recycling at your business. Get free posters and stickers, staff training tools, and tips for recycling at your office, restaurant, or shop.
Next to reducing the amount of paper you use, buying sustainably-made paper is the best thing you can do.
Learn how to set up and maintain a food scraps compost program at your restaurant, grocery store, bakery, or other food-related business.
The City's Sustainability at Work certification program ended in 2020, but we’ve put together a list of other green business certifications.
Green business practices for offices, restaurants and retail stores, including recycling, reducing waste, water and energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation.
Sustainability best practices for your office, including ways to reduce waste, use less water and energy, and drive less. Plus, how to engage employees and give back to your community.
Sustainability best practices for your restaurant, including ways to reduce food waste, and use less water and energy. Plus, how to engage employees and give back to your community.
Sustainability best practices for your retail store, including ways to reduce waste, use less water and energy, and drive less. Plus, how to engage employees and give back to your community.
Green teams are instrumental in creating positive environmental change within an organization.
How a product is made often has a bigger environmental impact than how it’s disposed of. Learn how to “buy green“ and engage your coworkers to reduce and reuse.
Portland has a wealth of resources to help you green your organization and connect with other sustainability-minded peers.
Learn how to set up and maintain a compost program at your office. Get free posters and stickers, staff training tools, and tips for composting food waste.
Order posters and stickers to label garbage, recycling, and compost bins at your workplace.
음식점, 식료품점, 제과점 또는 기타 식품 관련 업소에서 음식물 쓰레기 퇴비화 프로그램을 준비하고 유지관리하는 방법을 확인해 보십시오.


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