Don't flush your Franklins down the toilet

Blog Post
Save money and water by fixing leaky toilets or upgrading to a water-efficient one.

Is your toilet running?

A toilet on the left with a speech bubble saying "Let's run!", a dollar bill on the right saying "You're losing me."

[No, this is not a prank call.]

You could be losing $300 a month* in unnecessary water costs if your toilet’s running.

The good news is, you can often fix a toilet leak yourself with a little elbow grease and a low-cost replacement part.

Use this short, easy-to-follow guide to find and fix a toilet leak.

Replacing an old toilet?  

Choose a water-efficient toilet and get $50 per toilet!

The Portland Water Bureau is offers rebates for replacing an old toilet or urinal with a WaterSense labeled high-efficiency model.

Before purchasing toilets, read the full rebate details, including eligibility requirements and steps to obtain your rebate(s).

*$300 a month from one running toilet?! Yes, it’s hard to believe. Here's the math:

Businesses pay, on average, 2 cents per gallon for water (for the fresh water coming in, plus processing the waste water that goes down the drain).

A toilet that leaks 500 gallons per day is very common, and it can be even more!

10 dollars per day is how much you’re paying for a running toilet (2 cents x 500 gallons per day).

$10 per day x 30 days = $300 per month


Contact the Water Bureau's Water Efficiency program at 503-823-4527 or by email.

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